GGFFKK 6 points ago +6 / -0

Make sure you pay your taxes so you can keep funding your own self destruction.

GGFFKK 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are far more of us than they want you to think.

Everyone I speak to in my circles hates what is happening. These are our families they are attacking. I don't want my nieces and nephews growing up in this kind of world.

I've never protested in my life (never had to), I generally don't care for that sort of thing, but if I have to stand with my countrymen and fly one of those gaudy rainbow flags to let people know we stand in solidarity I absolutely will at this point because things are way too far out of hand.

GGFFKK 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know this will get the 5 eyes on me, but I just wanted to say I've been living openly gay for over a decade, I have stood up for gay rights throughout that time, and I support the proud boys.

There is nothing wrong with standing up for the few countries in this world that actually support us and don't stone us to death!

This is a beautiful and loving country that has shown me nothing but kindness.

I disavow all groups that say our nation is rotten to the core. Our nation is a shining gem in a often very dark world.

It's so fucking insane to me that saying I support my country which allowed me the same rights as everyone else is now considered terrorism.

Shame on the left's cabal of news, big tech, and government trying to destroy the peace we all fought so hard for.

I'm horrified at what is happening to our countries.

GGFFKK 5 points ago +5 / -0

What ever happened to just downvoting shit instead of banning it?

What even is the point of Reddit at this juncture? Why even share your opinion with mods like this? The only thing you can post is things that are guaranteed to align with the Mods opinion?

So basically the entire subreddit is just one Mods opinion lol.

I'm not even saying that I agree with you, but I'd like the opportunity to respectfully disagree with you, and for either of us to potentially grow from it.

This book burning mentality is infuriating to me on so many levels.

With this kind of logic and conduct conversations like gay acceptance never would have been possible! We gained acceptance by allowing the conversation to happen! That's how we progressed, it wasn't from keeping taboo topics off the table.

Absolutely pathetic and weak behavior, and dare I say a disgrace to the human spirit.

GGFFKK 2 points ago +2 / -0

But my question is, how do we even fight that?

Raise the standards of immigration again (with English proficiency as a requirement, one or two words is not enough), only bring in trained people if there is a clear shortage, ensure that the lowest skilled jobs aren't being swamped with low skill immigrants who are continuing to dilute wages and hours, forcing more and more part time work at lower and lower wages.

GGFFKK 5 points ago +5 / -0

Canada is doing well as a nation, but I have felt like we are dropping the ball a bit on Immigration.

Many of the people we are bringing in can't speak english. This is fine if you don't have to work with them, but if you do, it basically segregates you from them (and they come in in families, who will essentially gang up on you, and ostrichsize you if you don't keep quiet and carry the burden they've placed on you by their deficicines).

We've brought in a lot of really brilliant scientists who clearly deserved to be here, but I hate to say it, we've brought in a lot of people who clearly came from privileged but uneducated backgrounds who don't give a flying fuck about the country, its values, or its people, and will laugh in your face if you ask to them to do the bare minimum. To them, they are above it.

Our society was based on meritocracy, we used to reward the ones who worked hard in the trenches and low end jobs, and through hard work they would rise. Now these same people are being swamped by low effort immigrants who laugh at them, take advantage of them, and make their lives much worse, all the while being told they are privilege based on the color of their skin and gender, all things they had no choice over.

Their apartments get smaller, their opportunities diminish, their food quality and supply grow smaller and smaller, and the society around them hates them more and more despite the burden they carry.

It's enough to make anyone go crazy.

GGFFKK 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know when I was growing up nobody had to tell me I was gay, it was extremely obvious to me. So I came out and I moved on with my life.

I don't understand why they feel the need to push something on a population that is 98% Straight. There is NO reason for it. Even if a kid says they think they may be Bi-sexual or something, I see nothing wrong with still trying to encourage the kid to go with the natural route; Straight. It's the most likely scenario and the alternative should be an absolute last resort, after extinguishing all other possible options exhaustively.

The fact that it wasn't pushed on me when I was growing up was a good thing, because I KNOW I am this way. I KNOW nobody put thoughts into my head to make me think I might be something else. Everything and everyone tried their best to give me the most natural path, and even still I was this way.

So I can go to sleep soundly every night knowing that. The kids who are growing up in this environment are going to spend the rest of their lives wondering: "what if I was really straight?", "what if I could have had kids naturally?", "what if I didn't need to take these hormones, and I would have ended up accepting my body as it was eventually?".

It's abusive, criminal, and abohorent to be doing this to children. And it makes the rest of us look really bad. I'm doing the best I can to fight against this, but the Left is doing as much as it can to silence people like me.

I'm very grateful that platforms like this are cropping up again where we can speak freely.

We have a tough fight ahead of us.

GGFFKK 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just keep it one or two responses deep and move on if it's clear their only retort is insults, which are equivalent to white noise.

It's still important to rationally engage when you can, because sensible perspectives do go noticed and plant seeds in those who see them, even if the one you're conversing with is belligerent.

Just so long as you don't concern yourself with the last word, their static and noise is irrelevant.

People ARE aware of how fuck shit is, and are aware that in most cases they can't speak up, so the few of us that are make it all the more important to do so.

They want us all to feel like we are alone and cut off from each other. But we're not.

And if they take our sites, we'll do what Aldous Huxley said; decentralize and regroup, and continue to stay rational.

To my dying breath I will not let these authoritarians take my freedom to think.

GGFFKK 10 points ago +10 / -0

We really need to focus on getting our Freedom of Expression laws in order like Americas.

"Hate speech, obscenity, and defamation are common categories of restricted speech in Canada."

This is way to broad of a definition, and is rife for abuse. Comedians for example have gotten fucked over for simply talking back to hecklers who happened to be Lesbian.

I've been living my life openly as a gay man for the past decade now and I couldn't disagree more with this level of power being bestowed upon us.

People should have the right to call me whatever the fuck they want, and I have the right to ignore it.

I'm really fucking sick of people using us to curtail more and more freedom here in Canada, which btw has been nothing but accepting of me. I've felt absolute privilege to be born and raised here.

People need to grow a bigger spine.

GGFFKK 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry to hear that. How was your dad's health prior?

GGFFKK 2 points ago +2 / -0

So post something about UFO's and get a conversation started.

God knows I'm fascinated with the Pentagon release currently.