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Together we say Cunt, hey Justin, you reading this? Your a cunt too, fuck head
I pay taxes, where's my voice?
Everybody is worried about dying but nobody is talking about defend
I'm ready
Say it with me, "Cunt"
Welcome to Germany 1939
Seriously, why do people shit on you?
Everybody is a cunt. Change my mind
This is truth
We are frogs in a pot
Justin is a piece of shitstain that should have been aborted
This is an unidentified flying object. It's a true bullshit. . Shame on Global
Said Cindy no time ever in the history of time ever
We are frogs in a pot, seriously
Yes, she's a cunt.
Thank you God for my parents, and my dad beat the shit out of my once.
I got shit yesterday for posting to storm the parliament. I guess it was not cool didn't really think about it. I sorry
It's a.protest, take them to tasks. You can take care of logistics
I guess they would do that shit, ffs
Fuck off I'm not
Fuck this shit, just fucking done with this shit
That fat fuck is prime Canidate for covid
Show me the money!!
Evil cunts
Together we say Cunt, hey Justin, you reading this? Your a cunt too, fuck head