I got censored here for posting violent crime news stories, they all happened to be black. Apparently that's racist.
George Soros destroyed Minneapolis
Pussy County full of pussy men.
How could any practicing Christian vote for sleepy Joe Biden? The man who is pro late term abortion and pro child sex change surgery?
He looks middle eastern, darker than a mullato.
The cops on the right look like they're from the UK
Blondie on the left has a nice ass tbh
Toll paid?
Which protesters are going to his house? its not right to go go his home.
My eyes are burning from all the bright red, it really is uninviting.
He has no choice.
Carding saves lives.
The majority of blacks believe Trump is a racist and that his father was in the Klan. Its a pipe dream for a republican to pander to the blacks.
Ice cube is still going to vote for biden, Trumps massive pandering to blacks isn't going to work. I highly doubt he gets more than 10% of the black vote.
No turning back now sweden, get used to this.
I'm surprised the CBC reported this with the perps photo.
Disgusting, deranged and fat.
France is no longer France - Donald J Trump
You must be high on weed
Antifa thinks they're tough picking on a 5ft, 100lb woman. What a pathetic group of bums. Does anyone really fear these cowards?
Aren't they happy enough with the crack dealing?
They're protesting against police brutality in Nigeria, specifically some special unit called SARS (not the virus)
I should have invested in Lockheed Martin