Kill_All_Boomers 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are so much smarter than everyone else. I wish I could be like you. You are the best. I really mean it.

Kill_All_Boomers 8 points ago +8 / -0

We're living in an infomercial for big pharma. Paid for with your tax dollars, which are flowing into the pockets of the elite families, and promptly sent off-shore.

They would kill all of us if they thought they could profit another 5%.

These "lockdowns" were nothing more than a way to make everyone afraid and motivated to get the wuflu death-shot. It's EXACTLY that sleazy.

Kill_All_Boomers 7 points ago +7 / -0

Some of us have been preparing for almost a lifetime. Tens of thousands of men. Maybe more.

We have an even bigger stick than they do. If they are dumb enough to flip the switch, it will be AMAZING what is done to them, in terms of raw animal brutality. They have no awareness of just how vulnerable they are.

Kill_All_Boomers 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's not about them feeling physically "unsafe" around you because they are worried about illness.

The fact that someone else has critical thoughts, when they don't, scares the hell out of them. Those people that ask questions need to be destroyed, and identifying them is the first step. That's exactly what this is about. It's a low-IQ facade when they claim it's for safety or public health or whatever. They want people that think and question what their masters say to be fucking annihilated.

Keep pushing motherfuckers. Your side doesn't look like they can fight their way out of a wet paper bag. When that switch gets flipped, better watch out little boy, you'll see what it's like in this man's world.

Kill_All_Boomers 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's about "drinking a beer" eh?

Is that all that's going on here? It's just that eh?

You're either extremely simple or extremely disingenuous.

Kill_All_Boomers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lots of people "run" marathons. Even Oprah can "run" a marathon.

Pure virtue signalling. These people couldn't really run a single fucking mile without stopping for selfies (and to recover).

Kill_All_Boomers 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is why the OPP are such lickspittle loyalists to the Ford gov't.

He knows how to keep these power-tripping morons in line. Lots of extra gravy. Pigs are pigs. They like money. Your rights? Meh..

Kill_All_Boomers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because all the big pharma stocks and options in their trading accounts increased in value.

Kill_All_Boomers 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are living in an infomercial for big-pharma, paid for by your tax dollars.

Kill_All_Boomers 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "leader of the opposition" is enjoying his weekend "running" and drinking fancy craft beers. And also making twitter posts so you know about it.

While here we are scrutinizing the gov't with our free time, and coming up with damning hard facts on paper.

Vote CPC. PPC bad bad bad bad BAD!

BTW I heard this bernier guy once left the secret plans to canadas nuclear arsenal at his russian mafia prostitute girlfriends house so we have to watch out for that guy am i rite?

Kill_All_Boomers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because he's the leader of the opposition who should be, maybe, doing his fucking job while we are suffocating under the tyranny of the opaque ruling party?

It's not hard to do given how absolutely corrupt the current gov't is. WE? SNC? The gagillion vax doses we paid for getting wasted to the tune of a few billion dollars? The housing crisis? The supply shortages? The pipeline issues? And I'm just some random shithead and I can think of all these things. These guys have several people on payroll that can come up with this stuff.

And here you are, with "Why would this shrink his base?"

Really? Come on.

People aren't all enjoying the long boomer weekend. Many of us have to work fucking constantly to keep our heads above water. Try to have some perspective.

Kill_All_Boomers 1 point ago +2 / -1

"race weekends" = social event where slovenly boomers can pretend to be healthy for likes on facebook

sounds gay as fucking hell

Kill_All_Boomers 3 points ago +4 / -1

This guy is spitting in the face of everyone who is getting fucked over by all this insane nanny-state bullshit we are living under. Thanks asshole, glad you have the free time and cash to hang out and pretend to be human and enjoy your "long weekend".


Just another brain-dead facebook-loving virtue-signalling fucking idiot. This guy is one dumb shit. And the CPC is fucking packed with trash like this. Mainly because the membership is 80% old fucking braindead boomers. These people retire from their brain-dead jobs where they evolved into mindless slugs, and with more free time they watch a shit-ton of TV and become EVEN MORE fucking brain-dead.

Just go out and get your fucking vax you dumb shit boomer and keep tweeting out the virtue-signal 24/7.... it's keen and super-cool daddy-o

Kill_All_Boomers 4 points ago +4 / -0

This shit would have lasted less than a day if your typical white wasn't a TV watching fat slob who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

Most people in this country can't even run 1 kilometer. Most people are scared of their own shadow. If you think this is an acceptable way to live, then get ready to be stepped on constantly. Fucking pathetic.

Kill_All_Boomers 3 points ago +3 / -0

EXACTLY THIS. I'm sure as fuck not standing around while some faggot writes me a ticket for some bullshit like standing to close to someone else or exercising. These powertripping morons deserve to get their heads smashed in just as much or even more so than the slob politicians that command them.

My "fellow white people" have become soft faggots. 20 years ago your typical urban White scrub would have never put up with this shit.

If you're not ready for a fight, you're failing as a man. That's why we have tyranny, because we tolerate it and won't do anything to these bullies.

Kill_All_Boomers 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm living free no matter what. They can try to lock me up all they want, I'll blind them with my exotic weaponry and then burn them alive for their trouble.

by narf8h1
Kill_All_Boomers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah but come on, if you already weren't feeling lots of contempt for your whacked-out crazy "fellow countrymen" then you weren't really paying attention. Did you notice who is getting elected? Your "fellow countrymen" are mostly fucking retarded and have always deserved contempt.

Nothing much has changed with me, although it's now easy to tell who's based as fuck these days and who is not. This bullshit has polarized people in a very easy to recognize way. There are some silver linings.

by narf8h1
Kill_All_Boomers 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not going to become homeless before I destroy society and make everyone else homeless FIRST.

This dog's not going down without a fight. Period. Wanna fuck with my life? Wanna make me an outcast? I'll destroy every living soul on this planet that goes along with it first.

Don't despair. There's tons of people who think like me. I'm not surrendering to this bullshit. This fight will be over before we even need to start I do believe.

Kill_All_Boomers 4 points ago +4 / -0

The few actual men left in society (if there are any) will destroy everything before allowing this bullshit. Zero society is better than sicko society.

Kill_All_Boomers 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can also give your employer an indefinite leave from doing business if they fuck around with you. I believe this is under the "fuck with me and I fuck your shit up big-time" law that was passed by Mother Nature many millions of years ago. You might want to look for another job first though.

Kill_All_Boomers 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all, "the nurse my mom talked to" might as well be "the girl behind the counter at McDonalds". So whatever 'authoritative' information you think you have from that source is not even worth mentioning.

Second of all, who gives a fuck what the benefits to yourself or society are. By arguing in that context, you've already lost. Even if this vax saves the world overnight, do you think it is proper for your EMPLOYER to be able to command you to put something into your body? Do you think your employer has any say in your health-care decisions at all?

Don't fucking argue pros/cons of the vax at all with your employer. That is surrendering the encompassing issue of whether they have any standing AT ALL in the discussion to begin with.

This isn't fucking elementary school here, you don't have to put up with bullying.

Worst case scenario, you can do things outside of the law to make this a very very impractical path for your employer to pursue. With minimal risk. Think creatively and be bold. Protip: these masks are an excellent way to strategically conceal your identity in our modern surveillance society. Just make sure you also wear clothing that you normally don't go out in.

Kill_All_Boomers 11 points ago +12 / -1

DO NOT quit your job. Make them fire you, directly.

In the meantime, start collecting evidence of any of this 'peer pressure'. If this is making you uncomfortable in your work environment, go get a consultation with a lawyer, who can draw up a simple letter to your company that states that you are in a "hostile work environment" where you are constantly being questioned about your "personal health matters in a very intrusive manner."

Once you've brought this to your companies attention, and they don't act, any incidents past that are your gateway to shaking down the company for serious money. You can leave your job AND get a serious payout, like 6-12 months of salary, if you play your cards right.

I've been through this shit once before. This kind of thing never makes it to court, especially if you have video evidence (wearing a cheap amazon.ca bodycam just sticking up out of your shirt pocket helps).

Don't just wimp out. Put the fucking screws to these people and stand up for your rights not to be harassed. If women can do it over an odd glance from a male co-worker, believe me, you can really fuck them over for this.

Get out the yellow pages and take a few hours to make some calls. It's worth your time. Even better if you do it on company time.

Kill_All_Boomers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most people are brain-dead NPCs that LOVED school and will tell you "those were the best years of my life".

People in general are fucked up man. That's the ONE and ONLY important lesson to be learned in any school these days.

Kill_All_Boomers 4 points ago +4 / -0

The people that make up these 'sex rules' are so far from actually having sex themselves that they actually get off on making these rules for other people. Just having that remote tangential influence on even ONE other humans sex act is enough to make these incel freaks get off. THAT'S how fucking low these people are.

Kill_All_Boomers 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people that are into masks and the rest of this hysteria are sexless.

It's not just that their insanity is obvious to any other human being within 50 feet, which repels any sexual prospects. There's more to it. The lack of sex makes them biologically disenfranchised from what normal humans do. And THIS is what takes them from regular batshit crazy, to batshit crazy squared.

Women don't function properly without regular anti-crazy injections by their loving male caretakers. That's why the old joke was, when you see a woman doing crazy things, "looks like she's not getting enough of the good stuff at home".

Anyone who wears a mask is not getting sex of any kind. At least not with anything remotely desirable. The picture is a grotesque lie. Also notice that they couldn't resist making it interracial.

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