Manfords 2 points ago +4 / -2

I mean yes, but the fact she was bullying public servants is a bonus to me.

Manfords 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apparently they had a handful of moderators for their entire network, it is pretty messed up.

Manfords 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lol, they are getting really salty about this.

TBH Teespring shouldn't be stopping any store from selling unless it is illegal, but they have kicked off many conservatives so fair play on kicking the leftists.

Manfords 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am generally against government intervention, but if there is one thing we should have the government doing it is funding programs to get successful people having kids.

Sure a child credit can get high-school dropouts who make more money having 6 kids over working reproducing, but we need a system that captures university grads and high skill workers.

My girlfriend for instance loves her work and wants to have two kids, but she is very hesitant for three given the amount of time she would have to take off of work.

Part of that are her expectations for her career, but part of that is also that straight up taking time off of work to raise kids even when paid does impact career.

I wonder if Covid and the shift to working from home can help here.

Manfords 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, stop being afraid of being called racist by people who define racism in the intersectional way.

If someone you trust calls you racist you may want to consider your actions a little.

It is silly, they "anti-racist" people have made the word racist meaningless.

Manfords 3 points ago +3 / -0

The main crazy person behind this term, D'angelio, wrote an insane book where she basically states the case where she is insanely racist then projects her racism onto all "white people" setting the standard where you can't be white and not racist.

This term exists purely to get people to bend the knee to intersectional ideology and is a naked power grab.

Manfords 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just need Canada and the US to do this.

That and ban the sales of their phones.

Manfords 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also where the term "Troon" comes from.

It is also not super well known so as a slur it still hits.

Manfords 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not as far as I have found.

I have a friend that works at P&G and she is the only woman on her floor in the data department.

I think that a small business is your best bet to find fair hiring practices.

Manfords 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eh, if she has lung problems like that she probably can't think straight from the lack of oxygen.

Manfords 5 points ago +5 / -0

That seems like a barrel of ethics violations.

Does anyone know what would happen to a child exposed to purely artificial hormones in a womb?

Where do you get them from?

Manfords -1 points ago +1 / -2

Wow, that is a pretty crappy meme.

Manfords 2 points ago +2 / -0

They probably reduce the spread, not by protecting you, but by protecting others.

It seems like "security theater" designed to calm people down.

Even if a mask reduces transmission by say 30% in a place like a subway or crowded bus that is reasonable.

I still don't feel the need to wear them out in public here. We have like 100 active cases in my area of over 100K.

Manfords 7 points ago +8 / -1

I am of the opinion that everyone should probably take the vaccine once it is deemed to be safe.

No one should be forced to take the vaccine to go out into public.

This isn't the same as childhood shots to go to public school, people don't have the option to "homeschool" their grocery shopping.

Hanging forced vaccinations over people's head is a great way to turn people off from it.

Manfords 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am not banned yet.....

Mostly because reddit is cancer so why bother.