I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks. Where is that right for Quebec stipulated?
But in any event, I doubt most jurisdictions seeking to separate would rely on an existing constitutional right in order to accomplish the separation. I haven’t researched it but does Catalonia have a right? How did the constituent states of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia accomplish it? There are likely many more examples. I’d be surprised if they relied on an explicit right to secede.
Great question! I wonder why people line up to be tested. To find out you aren’t infected? Or to find out you are infected but don’t have symptoms? People are so scared I suppose they feel that if they have it they need to worry more about dying. The only reason I would get tested (apart from if I were really sick) is if I had been possibly exposed and my sick, elderly mother needed me to take care of her for some reason.
These wankers (pun intended) describe this as white male privilege. BS. It’s leftist media privilege, which is entirely different. If this had been done by, for example, a white Republican or Trump supporter, immediate condemnation and firing would have resulted. Toobin largely gets a pass not because he’s white, but because he’s a leftist Trump hater. And the media knows this but can’t admit it. And so they go after white males instead. Another example of how pathetic the leftist woke crowd is.
Masks are required in many places depending on state and municipal rules. Hand sanitizer is used everywhere. Bars and restaurants are open, though I haven’t been to the nightclubs. (I understand many are now open but you should confirm this). Beaches are open (I don’t think they ever closed). Hotels are open. I’m in a condo and our pool is open and our gym is open. They have reduced capacity but that hasn’t been an issue. Not sure hotel pools are open but I don’t see why not. Brothels are open (!). Some establishments do temp checks when entering and some don’t. People are not lining up to enter malls and stores. For immigration, Canadians no longer require visas and the health insurance requirement that had been in place for a few months is now gone as well. No quarantines. No contract tracking. Temp checks at some places only. I’m going back to Canada in early November to take care of some matters and then I’ll return in December for a month or so to spend mainly at the beach in São Paulo. Its not nearly as bad as Quebec - people here are easy going and do what they need to do. They are still enjoying life, even if it is a bit disrupted.
Glad I came to São Paulo last week. It’s pretty normal here, even with many positive tests (fewer per capita than Quebec!). But at least people are mostly just getting on with things and are no longer being bombarded by the media with stories about how we are all going die.
This is why we shouldn’t “follow the science.” Following the science becomes dogma no one can challenge without being labeled a flat earther or denier. We should make sensible policy based on what the current science says and be prepared to change or adjust policy based on scientific progress. Follow the science is just another silly slogan.
Thing is, Biden could get 100% of the vote in NY, NJ, CA, WA and OR and it wouldn’t affect the result. This would surely affect the polls but not the result. But this election will come down to how well the candidates do in a handful of swing states. Biden didn’t help himself saying he’ll phase out oil or grant citizenship to 11 million illegals. PA and NM may now be lost to the Dems. It’ll be interesting.
Montreal (and Quebec) is overrated. Nothing works well, the city is borderline third world in terms of infrastructure and services, and people are really unfriendly. Apart from that the language issues are ridiculous and the weather sucks. Glad I left.
I don’t think it’s accurate to say they lost the right to separate. I think they never had it to begin with. Secession or separation is usually not a right a state or province has. It is a political objective based on a desired objective. That’s why these types of moves are not easy and don’t happen often or quickly. They require much negotiation and balancing of interests. In some cases parties agree and a separation occurs. In others accommodations are made and no separation happens. And in some, violence results.