"Gasser, whose brother lives in Vancouver, arrived in Canada two months ago and Fouad arrived just under a month ago. This is the pair's first time in Canada."
what other country puts up with bullshit like this besides sometimes the states.
As much as mandating electric vehicles is a bad idea, this is a problem that could be easily solved. You could allow people to install a permanent structure that suspends the cable overhead 10 feet or so, or install a more durable cable cover that is anchored to the sidewalk
a 0.5% increase? that is what they would call not statistically significant.
lol, did you seriously post a study with this line in it - "As such, we believe that universal masking may be especially useful for mitigating effects of structural racism in schools, including potential deepening of educational inequities." Study credibility obliterated.
Well, if you ever want the safety guy at your job site to bitch slap the shit out of you, go tell him that a sealed respirator mask offers the same protection as a cloth mouth cover. Also, you yourself can tell the difference if you were so bold as to do some real world testing.
Taking this fact into consideration, the fact that the two masks performed as well as the poorer of the two, this would seem to lead to the conclusion that masks don't stop the spread of viruses, which was the conclusions of all the studies pre-covid.
so n95 masks were always belied to be about on par with surgical masks despite not being sealed. I don't think that makes any ounce of sense. please just answer the questions instead of deflecting. did the surgical masks excel or did the n95 masks fail?
oh, I was lead to believe that the n95 masks were vastly superior to the surgical masks in terms of keeping out potential infectious particles, so seeing as the results are so close did the surgical masks excel or did the n95 masks fail?
I think it's a trick question folks. The answer is right there in black and white at the top of this page: "...no statistically significant real-world performance difference between surgical masks, N95s"
When I said "what was the study's conclusions", what I meant was does the quoted statement point to masks working or masks not working, because I think you came to the complete opposite conclusion any rational person would.
Our findings indicate that both respirators and medical masks provide a high as-worn bioaerosol protection efficacy against virus containing aerosols, and therefore, a very high protection against airborne diseases
except we know this is false. You can observe with you naked eye how well these non sealing masks contain anything at all.
nope, sorry, wasn't the current strain so the study doesn't count. I wouldn't want to gain valuable information for suitable analogs.
23% reduction...
i find the '69% risk increase' part of the sentence far more interesting. And what was the study's conclusion exactly?
but the study you posted wasn't the current strain, so it too is therefor unable to be used as a analog for other similar viruses.
also only the first paragraph was about the study I posted, the other two were about the original study of discussion.
Just pointing out that comments from this user are virtually never supported by any proof.
bro you only think you are posting proof. you post studies you think prove you right, but after checking them they are often so specific or exclusionary that they don't really say anything of consequence. The fact you won't even take the packaging of the product you are trying to defend at it's word speaks worlds about how hard you are coping on this subject.
since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article
and seeing covid has had 10% of the world's population in infections, It would be statistically average that 10% of the participants got an infection. And since they were all wearing masks, and their chances were still on par, therefore masks no work, thanks for playing.
also you skipped this line in the study "The observed results are consistent with a range of protection, from a 23% reduction in the HR with medical masks to a 69% risk increase."
why is every place with minorities poor? also while we are at it, why are the democrats pushing for light on crime policies like cashless bail, and prison reform? As of right now it doesn't matter if a criminal is arrested, he gets back out on the street the same day.
And we should be confident that these findings are correct, as every study pre covid showed masks don't work to combat the spread of a respiratory virus. Only after government bodies pushed for lockdowns did masks somehow start working in this fashion. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M22-1966
that dude looked 40