What happens when you remove religion?
How many legal systems are in Canada?
Galaxia from anger management
"This is good"- majority of Canadians
Congregations should just start meeting up in the local Walmart/Costco and have a mass there
Deputize everyone
Hooray for diversity! Now trans can murder innocents now in the middle east
Don't forget the government will shut you downand destroy your business but hey guess what!? We're going to help trans, black, Latino, indians, gays, and womens businesses yay!!! Isn't that great!!! Totally not racist or bigoted
Anne Frank would've been given up to these Nazis so fast
Trump is already finished but he was just the first first to capture how people are feeling
It’s real, they’re just they’re attributing flu, pneumonia, and of course you know suicides/motorcycle accidents to the count. It’s text book covid.
Too many Canadians don’t think this goes far enough
It’s time to get machiavellian
Marketing genius
Ya we’ll all pay for it in the years to come
So yes all of them will
If this virus was so pressing why not institute these edicts immediately?think of the humanity!
Liberty minded people are essentially non existent in Canada. Don’t expect it from any party.
Someone red pill me on his actions again please
They're just following orders! Now step into this shower
Antifa and BLM can be unlikely allies to the disenfranchised right
Accelerationism, vote Trudeau!