"you lost my paperwork?" "I'm not taking it again" "Ya take my blood it'll prove I took it" "It didn't work??" " What the fuck are you injecting me with then? " " No I'm definitely not taking it again since it didn't work the last time AND you lost the paper work"
We are talking about the USA invading Canada apparently so let's entertain it. You said "join" join what? The "Canadian" army which is now very very obviously Chinese army?
Maybe I did read it wrong? What are you trying to say?
You reject, dismiss and ignore. Laugh ridicule and give them every sense that they are beneath you.
That's what you do. If you give them the power then they will never relinquish it.
You have power. Don't give in to peer pressure. Don't let them bully you into submission.
They have hijacked our language. They have raped our culture. They have demoralized our fathers. They have stolen our children.
We didn't lose any war. Don't act like it.
these are NOT your soros paid protesters.
These are not your greta pussy hat fag sjws.
These are people with lives and culture. With history and dedication.
They outshine and outweigh the cancer that continues to proliferate in this country because of useless suit sellouts.
Remove them from office. It is going to be our duty very soon.
Police who enforce this are in no way shape or form worthy of a shred of respect.
They are the gum on the bottom of your shoe. The dog shit you step in when fags like tory refuse to pick up after themselves.
They should feel ashamed. Pathetic.
You make a mockery and disgrace Canada and it's citizens.
John Tory is a criminal.
Canada is fallen.
We didn't even fight back.