I never understood why people pay such high taxes for such a shitty system. I'd rather pay my own way than have my income taxes go to that, so they, the scumbags in government, can import some piece of shit to go on healthcare for free.
I'm gonna have to move south anyway as life in Cuckistan sucks shit. Government's gone full retard with immigration, taxes are excessively high, roads are supercongested, the place is filled with lying snitching Karens, insane feminism and SJWism, corrupt, lying government and police, among the many other problems with this shithole.
Only cucks think the cops are your friends. They're mostly dimwitted, psychopathic scumbags carefully selected by TPTB to support the other group of scumbags in power. In this case, I fully support the Left's call to defund the police and the diversity hires in the courts, but not for the same soy reasons.
You can be borderline mentally handicapped and still be a cop. Many are. Makes you wonder why they have such wide discretionary power, but the answer is not hard to find, as a cop with Down's syndrome makes a good yes-man.
He's a lying piece of shit. We're getting those covid passports.
Cucknada would be so much better off without those two ethnic groups and their useless "contributions."
After that, it's the libtards.
When will ugly guys learn? It's only sexual assault, rape, harassment, ogling whatever when you're ugly.
I remember the first time I was called a racist for noticing facts and I liked it. Being called a racist is a badge of honor.
Cope. Leftardism is a religion too.
Correct. They can't even run a proper dictatorship and be smart about it. Instead, they openly lie to their citizens, treat them like shit and run the economy into the ground.
Nah, logic and science killed Christianity.
This is a classic. You don't fight poverty with immigration, you import it and spread it around.
It's very multicultural.
It's not a vaccination, it's a CUCKcination, people.
Just remember to wear your face diaper and maintain social distancing when you bend over for your CUCKcine.
KKK in the streets, SJW in the sheets lol.
Actually it's more be handsome, but be rich works too. Keep in mind women have a habit of turning on rich ugly guys when the cash flow dries up, look at what happened to Weinstein, Cosby and so on. They're the shallow and selfish gender after all. But you can avoid all of that if you're handsome. No woman would ever dare fuck over a good-looking guy.
Ideally, you want to be rich and handsome.
It's like they want to emasculate all men, except the ones women cream themselves over, the gangbangers, bikers, male models, rap stars, rock stars and athletes. If you don't have the profile of a Greek god, it's over.
Cuck thread. There is no god.
Trump isn't gonna do shit. Cucknadia is already dead. It's been taken over by the globalists since PET.
But wait.. there is a Cucknadian identity. It's called being a cuck. The essence of being Cucknadian is being a spayed, effeminate cuck.
Too late, they've already taken over the country. What we're seeing now are the side effects of universal cuckdom. That's right, stay safe in your homes, you neutered cucks! Wouldn't want Karen to snitch on you...
He said one semi-based thing and Kenney called him a xenophobe lol.
Based... surprised it came from this greaser.
Of course Cucknadians won't listen. They're all about bending over and getting ready to take that NWO CUCKcine like good little goys.
Lol won't ever happen. Too many cucked pussies and snitching Karens in Cuckistan. They want more lockdowns, not less.
Cuckistan will already be destroyed before anyone gets around to that, but one can only dream.