TheBelow7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I started working out at an econofitness and they require you to wear a mask at all times, now I thought surely it can't be that bad right?

I started with doing hack squats, deep, slow and controlled reps for sets of 10 and honestly felt like I was trying to breathe through a pillow. I looked on reddit and people from last year were saying how it isn't that bad.

I think they might not have been pushing themselves hard enough or they were simply lying. My trouble breathing was only really a problem for the compound lifts I had done which were the hack squat and romanian deadlift.

And it only got worse as I continued on as I sweated profusely and the mask became saturated with my sweat, which I presume made it even more suffocating.

After I finished my workout my lungs felt like they received more of a workout than my muscles. If I worked out without a mask I would have probably still had a hard time breathing due to exertion, but not because my body was being deprived of oxygen it so desperately needed for a high-intensity workout.

Absolutely awful experience would not recommend working out HARD with anything hampering your breathing. If you do go to the gym and just go to kinda get the blood flowing without even breaking a sweat you'll probably be fine.

TheBelow7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has there been any proof of there being bodies?

TheBelow7 3 points ago +3 / -0

God please no, I'd rather not become completely infested with spicy fleas

TheBelow7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't wait to see yall in the inevitable breadlines :)

TheBelow7 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's the only thing we as Canadians have got going for us, but soon we'll be joining the breadlines and our death count will go up, huzzah!

TheBelow7 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are definitely many negatives to our healthcare system, but I really do think most people take it for granted to the point where they'll abuse it. Sadly, there are no repercussions to those that do.

TheBelow7 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in the rural area of Quebec and it's pretty much 50/50. In my experience it's mostly women and effeminate men who have unforunately taken too much anti-trump/America Kool-Aid

TheBelow7 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would be one thing if he were actually helping Canada/Canadians but its the complete opposite. I'm so tired of weak leaders, I want someone who is there to better the country in a pragmatic sense. Also, I wish we had the 2nd amendment