TheKeagleciser 7 points ago +7 / -0

Naw, she may have used secret alien tech to instantly go to southern Ontario!


TheKeagleciser 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its now 730 am, she wasn't in my washroom, nor did I spot her when I took the dog out for a walk. I wonder if she's under my coffee maker

TheKeagleciser 3 points ago +3 / -0

I got the QR code, vaccinated in Ontario. The code basically goes to my provincial confirmation that I was vaccinated at the Paramount centre.

TheKeagleciser 2 points ago +2 / -0

The idiots on r/toronto were claiming the protestors were beating up asians and ripping asians masks off. No video or pics im aware of.

TheKeagleciser 11 points ago +11 / -0

I have 4 as well, and its best time ever to have kids.

Humans had kids when a third of them died before the age of 1.

Humans had kids when the barbarians were across the hill.

Humans had kids when the lion stalked the cave.

The problems we face are trivial in comparison to our ancestors struggles in a world where the hardest we have is avoiding degenerate behaviors of those who don't reproduce outside of pedophilia.

Raise your kids in the country, home school, teach your boys to hunt, teach your daughters to nurture. You may lose some to the degenerates, but having kids is why we are here today.

TheKeagleciser 12 points ago +12 / -0

Ohh no the internet bit restrictions are in, we can only report on 1 topic per day or we'll be charged extra.

TheKeagleciser 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dates are just like, a social consfruct, bigot.

I identify as a pre dynastic Egyptian. Its currently 3665 BC and we count down our years for some reason.

Open your mind and quit with the hate.

TheKeagleciser 2 points ago +2 / -0

It also helps when your populations aren't fat as shit. I mean india is getting there but its no where close to Canada.

TheKeagleciser 4 points ago +4 / -0

These lockdowns are demoralization efforts so it will be done as close to school returning as possible in order to fuck around with the workers of Ontario.

TheKeagleciser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in the 100k AC club and the wheelie bag is crucial.

Hell even the shorthaul flights out of terminal 3 at Pearson for west jet is like a 35 minute walk and up and down multiple escalators that are broken half the time.

TheKeagleciser 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is uncalled for good sir. I now challange you to a hand ball game to preserve that ladies honor.

I'll meet you at her forehead at noon.

TheKeagleciser 8 points ago +8 / -0

Peterson Wave needs more source material.


TheKeagleciser 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sorry to hear that. Mine basically hangs out at the bocci clubhouse with all the other old men. They boarded up the windows and enter from the back so no one can tell they're just chilling together.

He's outlived all his friends who came over with him. He also religiously watches old spaghetti westerns and thinks all newsmen are liars and "finocc's".

He has amazing stories.. he helped build the 427 and QEW exchange, shoveled snow at Union for a nickel and hour, drove a food wagon for mobsters, and he still wears his nice slacks, shirt and jacket everywhere.

Total wop.

TheKeagleciser 4 points ago +4 / -0

"You're on mute"

"Gran please don't take the iPad to the toilet again... no, granny noo *disconnect"

TheKeagleciser 11 points ago +11 / -0

They gave out those face masks at her school with the stupid phrases like "Isolate and Chill" and "6ft Away Please" printed on them.

She wore a damn mask the whole time, and not even seeing her breath mist seeping out of it on a cold snowey night could convince her that her dumb cloth mask was next to useless for viral particles.

She's a sweetheart in every other regards thought and I love her, but damn she's got programmed weird.

TheKeagleciser 3 points ago +3 / -0

My neighbor gave me covid during our annual Halloween orgy and it was basically a bad cold. Lasted 2 days, didn't bother getting tested or seeking treatment beyond sleep and Jaegermeister.

I'm a healthy 42 and my neighbor is a fat diabetic retiree. He got hit hard but is fine.

He got tested and his entire familly tested positive although only he caught symptoms. My wife and 5 kids never got sick either.

TheKeagleciser 13 points ago +13 / -0

Maybe if your eating rice a beans.

I eat tons of meat and its insane how much it costs. Fortunately we got 2 deer this year and a buddy got a moose so my freezer is full, but a delicious rib eye is hard to beat but is so expensive.