I swear 200 years ago, we'd be at war and there would have been a successful assassination by now. What's going on? Do free men need better leadership?
These lockdowns are designed not to save us but to transfer wealth from average citizens to the wealthy elite. The Canadian government is lockstep in line with the Great Reset. They're forcing lockdowns to hurt the economy so they can justify taking on massive amounts of debt to boost the economy, of which will be spent toward "sustainable projects" which is really just code for wealth transfer from average citizens to China + Wealthy Elites who own the means of production. No actual value will be added to society.
This should be civil war worthy.
I work for RBC (at the commercial level) and it's quite evident that RBC is a leftist hell-hole. They will promote POCs over white people at any chance and always promote women over men at any chance. It's always trans, gay, women whatever.
The last 7 promotions in my office have all been women. My manager is a woman, my manager's manager is a woman. The other manager in the office is a woman. When she went on mat leave she was replaced by a woman. That woman got promoted and replaced by a woman. It has begun to get so bad, a couple promotions ago a woman started talking to me about how she's really upset I didn't get the promotion because I'd be great for the job and she even admitted/knew the only reason the last woman got her position was because she was a woman.
Just today, the most incompetent person in my office got a big promotion. She's a woman and the best looking woman but she's had tons of complaints against her, she relies on other people to do her work for her because she doesn't know what she's doing and is just overall incompetent. I got a few texts from men in the office who are really upset by this. I am long past due for a promotion and am considered by everyone, including the woman who just got promoted, as being the most competent in the office.
It seems being white, a man and competent is a disadvantage. I am wondering if there are large companies where being white, a man and competent could be an advantage or at the very least, not a disadvantage?
I definitely do most of my shitposting from my cellphone and prefer a nice app with a sleek interface designed specifically with mobile in mind to do it from. Is there any plans on developing a .Win mobile app?
Also on that note, when is the .win Bank, .win News Company, .win Private Military Company and .win Telecommunications and .win Tech company coming?
The mainstream social media companies have all become propaganda machines for marxist/leninist ideology aka leftists. They censor anyone who disagrees with the collective. Rumor has it that Monday on reddit they are planning on banning a number of subs that they don't like under the guise of racism which we all know is just an excuse to continue their censorship to gain control over the freedom of the average citizen.
I think it's important for every Canadian to boycott the mainstream social media companies and move onto social media companies that promote freedom instead of propaganda.
Here is the list I have so far:
Facebook - Minds
Youtube - Bitchute
Reddit - Ruqqus; omegacanada.win and thedonald.win
Twitter - Parler, Gab
What else is there? Also, if you have an issue with any of the websites I listed, please comment on why they're not good alternatives.
I thought it would be fun if we all shared our story for why we were banned from r/Canada or r/CanadaPolitics
I was banned from r/Canada for this post:
"Ah, you're finally catching onto the fact that equality is just sanctioned oppression against competent cis gendered straight white males."
This was in relation to someone's comment about how indigenous get special treatment in Canada and that Canadians don't actually want true equality.
I asked the mods what rule I violated and this was their response:
"Considering you don't want anyone to be 'equal' to 'cis gendered straight white males' then the answer is pretty obvious. You're a white supremacist."