I’m just here to support transvestites who want to expose their penis to underaged girls.
I downvote facts. So I downvoted this
You mean gender mass shooters are genociding every one else? Yes. Fact.
There is no proof of the 217 shots. No vax card.
It’s another lie being copy pasted from a dipshit with low IQ
This is another lie. Just like the time Urallfucked lied about the gender confused xer getting beat to death by conservatives, when the xer just comitted suicide and off’d itself
Where’s the vaccine card with the proof and drug numbers of the 217 mRNA shots?
Why aren’t the 217 vaccine injectors losing their licence for medical malpractice and for wrongly administering a medical treatment
Folks, i will die from TDS before I die from my raging buttpox infection
As a Leftist, I’m a sick fuck