Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7

That is to say, the privilege of their society being formed around supporting their race? And in our case genociding the natives and forming a justice system to oppress them?

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

O my bad for misrepresenting when an unarmed black woman was shot dead in her home in an unlawful raid.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

Didn't pay attention to the Barrie cop going bonus car street fighter level on that kid, did you?

Knowing a "good cop" doesn't mean there isn't a systematic problem.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

The white power movement?

Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7

Society was MADE for white people. Indigenous people suffered a genocide that left generational trauma. The legal requirement needs to be there, because our proportion of them in prison is way too high. A part of that reason is lack of opportunity, as well as cops going after minorities specifically as a widespread downfall of our systematically racist justice system (in the states, a captain told his officers to "have a black day" and was encouraging them to racially profile.) The same thing happens here because we're usa-lite. Guarantee the only people to get jaywalking tickets are racialized minorities.

It would be discrimination if there was a legal requirement to keep white people in for longer. But historically they're given much much shorter sentences for the same crime.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

Breonna Taylor was sleeping.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

Have you considered that a lot of people pre-judge people on the colour of their skin?

Urallfucked -21 points ago +1 / -22

Look up the starlight tours, the NW mounted police original purpose to oppress indigenous peoples, our history of genocide? Unequal sentencing? You have to be a wilful idiot or woefully uninformed to think this country is fair.

And ps, giving opportunities to minorities doesn't mean society is oppressing white people lol.

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

Too bad mods took you all here to appear edgey and appeal to nazis.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

I don't know about you but i like tasting things. Plus with it's sneaky spread if we ignored it it would end up in our vulnerable populations and be lethal anyways.

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

Not echo chambery enough for you?

Urallfucked -6 points ago +2 / -8

Wasn't relevant enough to be banned but wanted to be with all the cool neo nazi subs.

Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7

The only reason it's not cataclysmic like it is in the state is because of the health guidelines. Why would ignoring them and pretending life is normal help?

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

I hope the irony of you bringing up needless deaths in a post about people ignoring health restrictions isn't lost on you.

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

It could always be worse. People pretending it doesn't exist because they're fed up won't help.

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

No, i don't think that's it. Edit: do you mean 'non redpilled people' open my eyes to what, exactly? Opinion pieces and shitty wannabe science?

Urallfucked -11 points ago +1 / -12

It really would be indefinite if people pull shit like this.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +3 / -8

Hyperbole is that what this is? Why not just do what works Although damn I'd get my grandmother one so she could go to church. She could put a nice hat on top with flowers.

Urallfucked -16 points ago +1 / -17

Imagine if we did this and thousands of people needlessly die or get sick as covid runs rampant. The only thing that would happen is longer lockdowns.

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