adipem_ericius -1 points ago +1 / -2

Take that study with a grain of salt, they count "intelligent people" as people with higher grades in higher education. These are people who lives in apartments, who think water magically spawns from the tap, then magically disappears in the drain. They think electricity comes from two holes in the wall.

An actual intellectual in Sweden once said that the difference between a engineer and the average Joe in terms of construction is that the engineer can calculate how to design the weakest structure that still won't collapse at lowest cost. The average Joe on the other hand would overcompensate, build a structure that cost more, but make it bigger and stronger just to be sure it won't collapse and hurt their own good reputation.

This is how Volvo's indestructible red block engine was built. The study basically suggests that you're "more intellectual" if you consume a new Chinese made car every year that craps out on you after 6 months and can't be repaired then trash it. Compared to buy a 50 year old Volvo 240 which still works and takes you from A to B, is tax free and won't crap out on you.

All the people that made Sweden one of the worlds greatest nations back in the days didn't have higher education. They were all farmers who studied some math, physics and chemistry then learned the language properly (National accent) to avoid confusion during communication.