The skin suits don’t fit the lizards very well.
Meanwhile my grandparents are the “wear their masks in the car” type people. Zoom Christmas sucked.
The parents, the grandparents, every aunt and uncle, and even my own fucking brother are not holding dinner because Jason Kenny told them too, while at the same time, they curse Kenny because he “is clueless”
Original 16, good stuff man.
But since I was born and raised in Canada and learned about the American revolution, French revolution, the Enlightenment, liberal democracy, libertarianism, etc. live free or die is a concept I understand
You didn’t learn that in school. I didn’t learn that in school. We found our way to it online.
Nursing and teaching used to be the only professions available to women. So naturally the best women took those jobs. Now the smartest and best are becoming doctors, lawyers, and engineers, and the women that would have been secretaries are now filling in the nursing and teaching professions. It’s a brain drain.
My buddy has been working from home since March, his wife is a nurse in an empty hospital ward. They have taken their toddler to get the test 3 times now. I think some of these people actually want to get a positive test so they can feel like they’re part of something, the same way spending a night in jail after a big protest gives you a great story.
By shares of a pipeline company.
Everyone is in favour of something as long as it doesn’t affect them too much.
Every so often I go look at r/Calgary. Their newest thing is saying that since the schools closed down, case count has been going down. Therefore the virus must have been spreading in the schools. Now how can that be possible if all kids in school, right down to kindergarten, have been wearing masks? Hmmmm. The anti maskers must be wrong and not believe in science.
The incompetent fuck wads also said that you should still apply even if you’re not sure.
Makes me miss left flank just a little bit. Like a teeny tiny little bit.
This kid is an NHL prospect, drafted by the sharks. We have found the focal point to rally around.
Or any where really....
Everyone is looking at stats Canada numbers, but they don’t think you’re unemployed if you’ve stopped looking!
Meanwhile I need to pass a stress test at 4.75% while RBC is offering fixed Mortages at 1.67%.
You’re on the right track, but in a total economic collapse bitcoins won’t be as valuable of commodity to trade as ammunition or non perishable food will be
It’s even in that awful modern art style that all the tech companies are embracing. Excellent find.
We need a handshake or something so we can all meet up at the camp
As opposed to the coastal Africans that raided the inland villages and captured peoples to be sold into slavery?
There where a few threads about this over the past week about this very thing. I’m registering for a PAL course and looking at rural property.
I’m lucky enough to be private sector, and be involved with oil field reclamation. But the only we work we are getting is tied to Justin’s billion dollars to get industry to clean up. No one is spending money if it isn’t free from the government, and a lot of people are not being super efficient in using these dollars.
I dunno man. Twitter has a note that “tHe ClAiM aBoUt ElEcTiOn FrAuD iS dIsPuTeD”
Clearing railways sounds like a lot of work, and brown people leads to the possibility of racism problems. Better just harass white people that are minding their own business.
Ok, so if I am understating this right, the Covid virus has a bunch of human proteins in it. The vaccine teaches your body that these proteins are a threat. So if you actually get the virus, your body freaks the fuck out since all the proteins you are supposed to have are now marked as dangerous?
And we are injecting our medical staff with this first? You know, the people that run the hospitals? The next crisis will be having enough staff to run the hospital.