canaratgetsomepie 5 points ago +5 / -0

It sounds like someone moved to High Prairie, got the 2-month "fuck everyone and this whole place blues" (that happens any time you move somewhere new, it's just weeks 8-10 but it's strong) but instead of suppressing it like a normal person, they lashed out, were a dick to everyone there and left the place in a huff.
The general rule of Canada is the smaller the town, the friendlier the people.
But as far as living in one, you need to give people a chance to get to know you and if you're a dick they'll judge you to be a dick.
Also, as a general rule every local facebook group is inhabited by nothing but crazies but everyone seems to know about it. I don't get how someone was so shallow as to think that their local facebook group was in any way representative of what the town itself thought.
That sad, rude post just felt like the whimperings of some dipshit who moved to a small town, was a dick to every single person they met, and joined the local facebook group and used it as a pretext not to talk to anyone.
I'm sure that guy will be happier when he returns to the progressive and socially conscious big city life of... Edmonton.
I actually feel for the person who wrote this in a way. To move away from home, be totally lonely, fail at your job and go back to living at your parents' is hard.
But not so hard that you accuse your failure on the political views of the people who you met when you were there. That's second chapter of Mein Kampf. That's a Hitler-tier cope.
This post is a very sad thing.

canaratgetsomepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Give it up for the spoiler parties ruining the best laid plans of mice and men.
In the revenge against the CPC game, Bernier fucked up their plans to run an international money Filipino and the Liberal's rich Israeli is winning by slightly less votes than he lured away.
In the "fuck you, there's only enough votes for one crazy leftist party" game, we have the NDP refusing to extend the same courtesy that the Greens extended to Jagmeet Singh and running a candidate who took away just enough votes to ensure that the Liberal ex-race baiting-journalist got the win.
Liberals are going to luck into both seats.
The Greens and the CPC are going to be fucking furious about tonight.

canaratgetsomepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

So let's talk about the water purification problem that ends up in the news constantly. The one who the media loves to bring up. The one with the two failed water purification plants. The one with the fattest Chief in the country who went on the world's most suspicious hunger-strike. The one with the suicide crisis. The one who was so corrupt they ended up with every band getting audited after they squandered tens of billions.
Let's talk Attawapiskat.
In the seventies they lobbied the government for running water and received it. Prior to that they were filling buckets in a nearby stream (the water up there is exceptionally clean.)
Of course, because it's the fucking government they decided to draw from the only watersource in the area that was unsuitable and it meant that the water plant would be exceptionally prone to wear, have to use a bunch more chemicals and as it gets more and more worn it starts to produce water that's not only undrinkable, but that is unfit for washing as well.
So the government, being the government, they decided to replace the water treatment plant and to draw from the same fucking water source.
Not helped by any of this is that they seem to have one of the most corrupt band councils in Canada. The amount of money they draw is insane and none of it makes it to the services or the people.
Most of the natives are just on well water, the same as everyone else who lives outside of the cities but they love to bitch about it with the hope that they'll sucker people and get more tax dollars from the government.
Attawapiskat is special though.
The worst thing about the story though, is how many people actually live in the reserve that gets such an insane amount of government money. It is a reserve of 1500 people. I shudder to think what Canada has spent on such a small amount of people who don't even pay a cent of taxes.
The shit that goes on in this country astounds me sometimes.

canaratgetsomepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

I, for one, have confidence that Patty Hadju will have the same success with stamping out the rona that she had dealing with the opioid crisis in Thunder Bay.

canaratgetsomepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, believe me when I say that the Democrats are looking ahead to 2024.
Biden's main appeal to the party is that he's a throwaway candidate and (was supposed to be) fairly moderate.
They're just trying to have an uncontroversial election which doesn't fuck up 2024 which is when they'll bring in a heavy-hitter. Biden is basically a Romney or a Kerry, don't get confused by their media.
Trump will win and it certainly won't go to the courts. The only question is what happens in the House?

canaratgetsomepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

She'll use 6ish of them.
That level of obesity is more a slow decline rather than a quick death.
Once they're too big to stand the activism stops.

canaratgetsomepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm always amused at how the natives go crazy about any treaty right they've been granted but never talk about the treaties when it comes to receiving anything in return.
Most of the treaties tend to be for land, farm tools and a chest of tuberculosis medicine. Sometimes they include hunting rights.
You'll note that none of the treaties contain provisions for shit like free houses, drinking water, education, free university, or free healthcare beyond that chest of medicine. They get all of that shit out of the kindness of Canada's heart.
Yet any time there's a treaty right they go out of control, demanding all kinds of shit and generally get it.
I say it's time to go back to the original treaties. If they're that insistent on the treaties then they should only receive the provisions guaranteed in those treaties and should they want anything else then they can provide it for themselves.
They don't pay taxes. I'm sure it won't be any problem for them to improve their conditions through all of that extra money in their pockets.

canaratgetsomepie 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it weren't for colonization she'd be dead by the time she was 30 but thanks to the free healthcare, nutrional sciences, free housing, available food, free university, and all of the wonders of modern technology she'll have an increased life expectancy of almost 10 years.
Ah, progress!

canaratgetsomepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even without the Burisma shit Trump still would win this election. It isn't in doubt.
The Democrats aren't even trying. Their strategists know that Biden-Harris is not a winning ticket but they aren't risking any talent this election. They'll be back in 4 years time with someone decent but they've known that this is a hard one to win.
The only real question is what happens in Congress? The Democrats haven't exactly been great for the past two years, and they've spent the past 12 months acting like they're invincible.
A saner leader than Pelosi wouldn't have refused to work with Trump on the stimulus cheques, nor been so prominent when Americans were clearly in a bad mood. Their performance has been embarrassing and I wouldn't be shocked if some Congressmen paid for the past 12 months with their seat.
It'll be all 3 houses Republican for the next 2 years. Trust me.

canaratgetsomepie 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was confronted. I remember the black woman CBC host asking black women about what they thought of the scandal.
They all agreed that he was just doing it out of tribute because that's how much he likes black people.
Thank God that we give so much money to our National Broadcaster.
I had never realized that people were so okay with "tributes" before I saw that segment.
I'm thinking of dressing as a Bibbi this Hallowe'en myself.
It'll be a tribute.

canaratgetsomepie 6 points ago +6 / -0

You remember how last year Trump was bringing up this shit and their House of Congress threw a bogus impeachment at him to make him stop?
They have known about Hunter Biden and the laptops far before the DNC Debates even started.
Both parties, the CIA, the FBI, China and the media. They've known about how this election would go down for more than a year and both sides have had time to prepare.
The only real question is, why would the left double-down on Hollywood?
It should be pretty clear at this point that people may be okay with their entertainers being rich but they fucking hate being lectured by them.
Maybe it's just them making sure that what used to be a successful gambit is no longer successful in a throw-away election? We certainly have seen all the useful idiot celebrities from the last election being given one last chance.
We've seen a 50-year old Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer get naked for a political ad and demurely hint at showing all. As horrible as that was it seems like that ploy would have been successful in 2008.
The DNC seem lost in this election and to be throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Hillary's defeat was a shock to them and it seems that they're trying to regain their footing for the next election when they have a shot, 2024.
The Guiliani hits were planned a year in advance and don't think that anyone noticed that the China impression didn't do anything, and the idea that he was about to fuck a 15-year old (really 24) reporter got some traction but wasn't the bombshell they'd hoped.
What gives me hope for the future is that all of the identity politics bullshit the DNC has done in 2020 hasn't worked.
This is the last US election that's like this because the politics of divisiveness has not been a successful strategy.
I digress though, the truth is that the DNC knew about the Republicans releasing the Biden laptops right before the elections and came up with their own counter, which involved a popular character trying to humiliate a Trump-loyalist and possibly make him look like a sex offender.
(Not that I'm going to pretend that I didn't enjoy the movie.)

canaratgetsomepie 5 points ago +5 / -0

Huh. Riding a bike, jeans, older style jacket, brown skin, long black hair in a ponytail.
Somehow I don't think this is the work of a nazi (unlike what the media and Trudeau are pretending.)
This guy seems to be a little more like a someone who is sympathetic to poaching for a "moderate livelihood" than an edgelord but this country is less-than-honest these days.
Nazi my ass.

canaratgetsomepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't get into what the French did in their African colonies because I didn't want to upset anyone's stomach.

canaratgetsomepie 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh ya. Our brave efforts to ban conversion therapy had a worldwide effect. I have no doubt.
I'm sure that when the rest of the world heard we'd banned conversion therapy they could not believe the brave stance we'd taken.
I hear that the Islamic countries that dominate the UN human rights board even stopped executing them, they were so inspired by Canada banning conversion therapy.
Why do I suspect that this "UN expert" is a Canadian who is in bed with some liberal-friendly charity?
There is no way that the rest of the world gives a shit whether we ban conversion therapy or not.
We're Canada. No one gives a fuck.

canaratgetsomepie 7 points ago +8 / -1

I don't know about that.
As a general rule, the French are pretty fucked in the head. They are capable of anything, Canada knows that more than anyone else as that was the country that once delivered boatloads of whores to the country.
For all anyone knows, they may force all the migrants to join an army with "no connection" to France then send them all off to die someone.
They've certainly done that kind of shit before. They've actually done that kind of shit a lot.
They chopped their own King's head off once. Then a few months later they chopped off their own Queen's for basically no reason.
Then they spent the next 10 years chopping off everyone's heads, before going straight back to having an Emperor.
Then they came within a hair conquering Europe and declaring a new Holy Roman Empire.
Never underestimate the French nor assume that they're a civilized nation.
I fear what they'll do. It appears the people are starting to have had enough of this shit.

canaratgetsomepie 6 points ago +6 / -0

Relax boys, I've got a plan.
We all claim to be self-identifying first nations people from the O'metak'hanada band and get our lawyers to claim that we need to all be sent to the same healing lodge so that we can be rehabilitated together.
I don't know about any of you but I certainly could use a 2-week long vacation.
We'll be fine.

canaratgetsomepie 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good old Jughead. The Liberals were so gung-ho about an election that they didn't even bother to throw him a bone this time around yet he still backed down once the prospect of an election appeared.
He knows as well as the Liberals that he won't survive another shitty election performance and without a doubt, he is heading for an even worse performance than last year.
He could have had it all had he voted down the Throne Speech.
Now he's in an unenviable position of having prevented the anti-corruption committee from fully investigating the disgrace that was Trudeau's pandemic spending and can be blamed for that come the next election.
The mood of Canadians is going to turn at some point over the amount of money that was spent and the amount that was wasted. The CERB tax bill will be particularly annoying, but seeing how the deficit has more than doubled will be downright onerous.
Particularly when it becomes clear that we'll need new flat taxes to pay it along with austerity measures.
I'd say that becomes evident in the Spring.
If Jughead didn't want an election he could have always formed a coalition with the CPC and Bloc but 'he doesn't like conservatives' so that option wasn't attractive.
Instead he'll be sharing the blame for Justin's scandals while also being an NDP candidate at a time when Canadians are regretting recent government overspending.
He is completely inept.

canaratgetsomepie 14 points ago +14 / -0

He didn't cuck at all, we're just watching a game of "it isn't my fault we sent you to the polls right before a Christmas that we'll probably cancel" play out.
It seems like there may be more "charities" with dubious links to the Trudeau family who got a lot of pandemic funding in the early days as well.
We know from the WE foundation that the Trudeaus, and Justin in particular are exceptionally sloppy.
The name of the committee can be changed, the mandate can be revised but there is a lot of corruption that the LPC cannot afford to see daylight so at this point the only question is "who is going to take the blame for a late November to Mid-December election that could jeopardize Christmas."
Nothing would piss off the nation like an election, but an election we shall have.
The only question is, who takes the blame?

canaratgetsomepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

From a bunch of minimum wage losers working at an "ethical" mall soap store?
I think the West will be fine.
My only question is how much are these people being paid to appear in an advertisement wearing nothing but an apron?
I'd guess it isn't enough (unless it's the one on the left whose "headlights are clearly on high-beam,: That one should be paying people to look at her. What the fuck is with those tattoos?")
The worst thing about this photo is that I feel bad for far-right because she seems to be going for it and she was cut-out of the ad.
That has to sting.
I think the true moral of this story is that you should never work somewhere that pretends that it's not just a job, it's a philosophy and way of life because you could easily get pressured into a naked photoshoot for an ad campaign while getting barely any compensation.
"Hey, you know what would be great for our brand? If we got a bunch of our retail staff naked for a promotional picture" thought the elderly hippy executive.

canaratgetsomepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

The rumour going around right now is that money was just Trudeau family, not the man himself.
Justin was quite associated with the WE charity before becoming Prime Minister, was he not?
It would stand to reason that they were paying him, just as they were paying his mother and brother. I'd guess their was an awfully large amount of trips for Justin as well.
That would have been quite a lot of money and just remember, Trudeau didn't have a ton of money at the time as he didn't inherit anything until he was 45 because Pierre didn't think him mature enough to handle it.
He certainly had the lifestyle to support but I'm not sure where he was getting the money.
This could get interesting. I could see us ending up with our second woman PM that never even sits in the House as PM.
As is tradition.

canaratgetsomepie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are you even allowed to make a blacklist like this? I'm pretty sure it's illegal, and if it isn't it certainly should be.
This isn't a website for black, indigenous, and people of colour. This is a website that reveals which black, indigenous or people of colour have activist leanings and may or may not take the company to human rights court for very little reason.
It doesn't occur to normal people that they should use a service like this, one has to be in radical circles to even hear about it.
You have to give it to capitalism, the market will provide a solution to every problem.
If you're thinking of making a diversity hire then you now have a database where you can check if they're going to be trouble.
Great service. I approve of this completely.

canaratgetsomepie 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm still laughing about the first time this happened at the University of Manitoba.
How the hell did that even happen?
A Native women's studies prof (yeah) saw the flyer, got triggered over it then went to her office to dwell on it before getting one of her grad students to not only take it down, but then to take it and tape it to her office door so she could complain about how she was being targeted by racist white supremacists.
That really can't be eclipsed.

canaratgetsomepie 14 points ago +14 / -0

What it actually tells you is that you don't want to be in a situation where you're depending on PSW salaries in nursing homes.
We actually saw the "day-of-the-pillow" scenario play itself out in Quebec and Italy where the workers were not willing to risk their health, nor the health of their families and that they simply abandoned their patients.
That was not helped by the CERB either; quit your job, wrongfully apply for benefits, hope you don't get found out and receive the same amount of money or risk being infected with everyone thought was a deadly plague and send your entire family to the morgue.
Say what you want about "moral responsibility and duty of care," it was the same amount of money to just abandon their post.
The conditions in the nursing homes where the military had to step in weren't published in this country but they certainly were in Italy. In Italy they were discovering people who were abandoned, starving and lying in days worth of their own filth.
Just keeping the flu from spreading in a nursing home in the winter time takes a massive effort and if all of the staff is gone, those measures can't be taken and everyone who dies can be classified as being from COVID.
We know for certain about what happened in Bobcaygeon, it's safe to assume that the same thing happened in Quebec.
That being said, the Prairies fucking rule. Nicest people you've ever met and all 3 months when it isn't winter are awesome.
The only thing that's happening is that as you said, "the fucking data is bullshit."

canaratgetsomepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll laugh my ass off at Jughead if this goes ends up with an election anyway.
I was amazed he was even able to get his stupid "measures for hurting Canadians" by the Liberals as they clearly wanted the government to fall of the Throne Speech to shut down the WE Scandal.
Jughead could have easily had an election where the Canadians whose CERB had ended would have all been desperate for him to shower them with government money. He could have been looking at an additional 3 million voters; more if you add the people who were on other benefits to the equation.
He could have been in majority territory.
Instead he pussied out, let Trudeau take some of the credit for the federal sick leave for COVID patients and mild increase in the CRB payments and now he's going to face a snap election with no money to fight it anyway.
I don't actually think the NDP has ever had such an incompetent leader in its history. It was obvious from the start that the government needs to have an election before the true details of the WE scam come out because whatever it is, it's bad.
He's utterly fucked himself. They'll be lucky to come out of this election with party status but if he was the one to trigger the election a few weeks ago he could have been PM.
The man just sucks.

canaratgetsomepie 10 points ago +10 / -0

No, the gun control love from Trudeau is entirely due to the Montreal Massacre.
You know how for a lot of people, the best music they've ever heard was the music that they were listening to when they were 18-19?
The stuff you were listening to when you could drive, get served in some bars, get into some clubs? The stuff you were listening to when you first felt like an adult?
That's what the Montreal Massacre is to a cosmopolitan feminist of those years.
Some sexist pig shoots a bunch of women in his college class because he wasn't getting any?
How much tail do you think Trudeau got by talking about how the government shouldn't have even allowed people to have the weapons that would make such a thing possible?
As Pierre Trudeau's son at McGill? A thousand women would be a conservative estimate.
If only the media had talked about the toxic masculinity of Islam instead of blaming the guns and the sexist attitudes Trudeau could have become a C-level PM.
(In all fairness, with a name like Marc-Andre Lepine who would have suspected he was Muslim and that his father had some dire thoughts about western women?)
It is what it is.

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