flanders 9 points ago +9 / -0


Must be a real fun life playing M'Oderator 24/7.

flanders 13 points ago +13 / -0

And everyday the government, media and police push back.

City subs are in full lockdown mode, shilling is at maximum levels.

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. they're doing this at the consulate on Sunday. When it's not open. That's retarded.

  2. India doesn't care about the farmers there, why would they care about protesters here?

  3. if you ask these questions in r/Vancouver, you'll get comments like it brings awareness, it's their right, and [comment removed, user banned]. We're already aware, why keep doing this? And why can't anyone talk about it negatively?

  4. It's a power move. They're saying "we can organize, we can take over the roads, and all you'll do is tell people to get out the way".

  5. Again, r/Vancouver is falling all over themselves in support of this, like they did last time.

  6. Hope to see some good road rage videos from this, I'm sure people trying to see a loved one on their death bed will be less willing to wait for these clowns to pass.

flanders 7 points ago +7 / -0

When you can park your money in multiple $5-$10 Million dollar homes to keep it away from the grabby hands of your home country, they are no longer homes but giant poker chips.

And when you can launder millions more by selling to shell companies, offshore corporations, or your friends, the whole thing becomes even more ridiculous.

Funny how a "student" can afford a mansion, or someone with a declared annual income of $9000 has a giant house, luxury cars, and lots of spending money. Why the CRA isn't going after this, since it would be a windfall for the government. Nope, better nail granny who forgot to declare $500 of pension income.

flanders 10 points ago +10 / -0

They had money to get two high profile lawyers ASAP.

If they get bail, they're in the wind.

flanders 14 points ago +14 / -0

First off, sticky this.

Second, as usual a guy with a ton of potential left in life killed by two scumbags who won't accomplish anything in their lives besides taking up space in a jail cell.

Third, two scumbag subhuman piece of shit lower than whale shit criminal defense lawyers will do their very best to ensure they spend the least amount of time in jail, trot out crying mothers, pics of these two in a grade 3 graduation ceremony, how they're good kids who were just about to go to medical school, on and on and fucking on. After all, they turned themselves in so the liberal judge will of course give them leniency.

Fourth, the age of the driver passenger (17) means he'll get the soft touch of the law. If he spends more than a year in prison I'll be shocked.

Fifth, this story will get the least amount of airtime possible, just enough to pay lip service.

And finally, this Sergeant will get zero sympathy, gofundme's, marches, protests, civil action, or other things reserved for thugs. That the mayor made a statement is shocking, and that Prime Minstrel Trudeau did not shocks me not at all.

edit: now that the cunts have been caught and arrested, expect to see their pics disappear from the media.

flanders 15 points ago +15 / -0

huh, denying someone legal counsel after their arrest. that's a neat way of the VPD to say "please sue us". And with the activist lawyers around, you can be sure that someone will take the case pro-bono since the payoff will be more than adequate.

"sorry, it's christmas eve, we don't have a lawyer for you" isn't a legitimate defense.

flanders 19 points ago +19 / -0

Like how they kill small businesses? Or nickle and dime suppliers down to the fucking 10th of a cent knowing full well they're going to be making a 400% profit on the items? The way they treat employees forcing them to go on food stamps? Stamping out union efforts with mass firings? Or how the heiress Walton is a scummy POS?

flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think so. Under Creepy Joe, North America is now the destination.

It doesn't matter which country be it Canada or the USA, in both places now you can show up, super pinky swear to attend your immigration hearing, and then away to the big cities where you'll disappear, get the Maritimer Special (that's benefits for life for doing nothing), and after a few kids and 10 years you will be able to claim you've made a life and can't be deported.

IOW nothing will change, now get back to work slave, you've a few hundred thousand newcomers to support!

flanders 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd suggest the cadet program, but I don't know how far they've gone down the PC rabbit hole.

Back in my day we could fire real life rifles! They were .22's, but it was cool as fuck.

And way back before all this equality crap, the program was a complete meritocracy. You do good, you get promoted. Male, Female, didn't matter.

Top it all off, had I not had that little experience in the program, and I was a complete idiot as a kid, I'm sure I'd have ended up in more trouble as an adult.

Bonus points, you learn how to iron and shine shoes which means as a young adult I was able to stand out at job interviews. You'd be shocked how many people can't put a crease on a shirt or de-wrinkle pants using an iron.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can't quite remember what happened after the 1930s.... the global economy in shambles, millions out of work, people desperate to get back on their feet, and an industry that needed a reason to exist. Some sort of complex, possibly involving the military.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why does it always have to be "never" as the answer in this country?

Try this anywhere else and there'd be street level violence, mobs, riots, all the fun stuff that folks allegedly come here to get away from but just end up bringing it and their baggage along for the ride.

flanders 15 points ago +15 / -0

340,000 documented, plus a few hundred thousand "visitors" and "students" who will never leave, plus illegal border crossers, plus plus plus.

These official numbers should be considered to be <50% of the real count.

When does it end?

flanders 11 points ago +12 / -1

They've reported on

  • roxham road
  • Ezra ( i think) was in an interview with two elections canada goons who were trying to intimidate him and he told them to get fucked
  • wuFlu concentration camps
  • the Danforth shooter who totally didn't target only white people
  • the old lady attacked by fascist antifa punks

and so on.

Essentially, RN has reported on all the things justine loves, and therefore need to be shut down for good.

Can. We. PLEASE. Have a nice little civil war and separate OQM (ontario quebec maritimes) from the part of Canada that actually has resources that are whats propping up the liberals and the eastern provinces?

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope, the OQM (ontario quebec maritimes) will still vote for his party because they're retards who just want more abuse.

flanders 6 points ago +7 / -1

BE WHO YOU ARE!! (except straight and wishing to have a normal relationship)

welcomingschools.org, sounds like one more outside funded push the agenda Soros styled group getting a metric shit ton of federal funding and forcing this narrative on public schools under threat of labeling them something-cist.

Basically, accept the curriculum or else.

Ok, or else what? You'll call me names on twitter? Fucking hell, ignore these chuds, they're like kids who are never told no and learn to scream to get their way.

flanders 7 points ago +7 / -0

More lockdowns?

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will!


flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't he the "tell a lie often enough..." nazi propagandist?

If so, then ontario quebec and the maritimes (thanks for nothing you pieces of shit) seem to believe that JT and the LPC are just the best and will continue voting for him/them.

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