When a comment is shown as "Deleted", does that mean it got Orz'd? Or was it removed by the OP?


Do you think any of them will care about things like native rights or political correctness? I'd say no.

They won't care about sacred land claims. They don't give a shit about FN history. And they certainly won't honour any treaties when they get into power.

They don't all get along as a group, even people from South America don't get along; I've worked at clubs during "Latin" nights, you'd get the Hondurans fighting Mexicans, Brazilians fighting Ecuadoreans, etc etc.

This number is beyond retarded, it's unsustainable, and it's of course never going to affect those in power. You think Justine and his wifes boyfriend would put up with living near large enclaves of people from wherever? Fuck no. TPTB live in nice safe and most of all quiet neighbourhoods.

And I say enclaves because they're not being told to become Canadian, they're basically told "keep doing how you did in your home country, don't worry about manners".

But most importantly, lets face real facts here. 400K is just the tip of the iceberg, it doesn't take into account the hundreds of thousands of "students" and "tourists" who come into Canada and never leave.

So, lets see how long large swathes of people who hate everyone else will be able to keep peaceful. I'd say < 5 years before some major shitticane erupts.


Post here, post on other sites, go "Reeeeeeeeeee" while you shake and foam at the mouth after reading something about Turdeau or an article from the CBC that makes you mad.

Whatever, just know that Canada died a long time ago.

We have no values, a low trust society, government that favours outsiders, courts that favour the criminals, makes zero policy changes to help people born here, the list goes on.

And nothing you say or do will change any of this. Because in the end, you're not going to do anything. The anarchists have won, the anti-Canadian groups have won.

You lost. Deal with it. I'm going to keep on keeping on for however long I have left to live. At the most, a plot of land out in the middle of nowhere on which to become a hermit. Can't be worse than city life.

  • So Castro has become a dictator since there's no elections until the corona thingy is over and done with, which will be never.
  • Housing is through the roof and has been for years. No chance the government would want to help with that. Nah, better focus on single use plastics and other trivial crap.
  • Nobody can afford to have a family, unless they're very rich or shacking up the entire clan in a single house.
  • Wages are stagnant, jobs are all part time minimum wage, a few people have good careers but that's rare. Kids can't get work at what used to be traditional beginner jobs which is how you learn to grow up.

$1.1 trillion in debt.

Housing beyond the reach of anyone other than the super rich who use homes as poker chips. Either that or you live with everyone in the family under one roof.

No longer can one parent at a good job or two parents at an average job support a house, car, kids. Families are no longer a thing in major cities unless they're mega rich.

Jobs at an all time low, shit pay, no benefits.

400,000+ people set to immigrate every year and all of whom will need (but probably won't easily get) housing, food, jobs, on top of several hundred thousand more who come in through other programs.

Hospitals and schools crammed to the rafters. Not enough doctors being graduated. Crime at all time highs, courts that don't care to punish criminals. Social programs stretched to the max, and all we do is print more money.

If I've written anything that is untrue, let me know.


tldr: kids wasting money on useless crap, and this is a long rant.

Basically, there are a ton of young couples in my city. And they all complain about how homes are expensive.

Well, they are. They've been expensive for almost every generation. "But they were cheaper during the boomer times!" they screech! Yes, but interest rates were double digit, and banks didn't hand out loans like they do now.

Y'see, these same complainers, dual income no kids (DINK's) all seem to be rocking Arc'teryx jackets ($500 average) iPhones, Netflix, Amazon prime subs, Airpods, out for dinner numerous times a week, new-ish cars, UberEats deliveries which add $15 to each meal at least.

And as for getting their own place, they all seem to imagine they have to have a fully furnished home with the latest stuff.

My parents got their house with no sidewalks, no fencing, no garage, and yep, basic furniture ie a used kitchen table and chairs, usual bedroom stuff, some rugs, a small TV, used fridge, etc etc. Didn't even have a washer/dryer until I was 6 or 7.

My dad built the walks, did the concrete forms, retaining walls, framed and built a garage solo, built the fencing around the entire property, and mom took care of the inside of the house, did all the painting... listen, I could go on, but the point is yes, homes cost more dineros than they did if you account for inflation. And no this wasn't rural Sask or AB, this was urban BC in a big town that looks a lot like Vancouver on the map.

Can you really picture some hipster putting up a stud wall and shingling the roof on his own? Or knowing how to build a fence that could last longer than a month without falling down? He'd probably kill himself tripping over a handsaw.

But dammit, if you and your GF (for some reason they can't get married and start a family either) are spending $1900/month to rent something fancy, plus another $2000/month+ on bullshit, then fuck your complaints.

What excuse do you really have? Been together 5 years, still rent like a chud, no kids, but hey at least you get soggy cold food delivered to the door and drive a car that you can barely afford so you look cool on instagram. Over that same time they'd have been able to save a good amount for a downpayment and subsequent mortgage payments that are less than their rent.

Naw fuck it, just complain instead. Ok, rant over.


You will be forced to take the test, and regardless of the results at first you will be made to spend thousands to stay in a hotel of the governments choosing.

Should the test come back negative, you're still placed under monitoring and allowed to go home. A positive result means being detained and taken to a government run facility. No choice, no right to refuse under penalty of what, jail?

Please tell me I'm dumb and have zero reading comprehension.

What if you refuse the test or refuse to be shipped to a holding facility in God knows where?

Post: 15 hours old.

upvotes: 3


Now tip your fedoras and prepare to woo m'Ladies! I've got a trench coat all ready to flourish!


I've got the IQ of a stump so I'm gonna write out some words, you can piece them together more gooder than me.

  • People always touching masks with their dirty hands
  • Breathing in the same funk and gunk after touching said mask with aforementioned hands
  • Being stressed during cold and flu season
  • Surrounded by people in confined spaces but it's ok because mask wearing
  • People not taking "disposable" to heart regarding masks, or having those custom made ones with neat designs that are so cheesy and they reuse them over and over and over. Ew!
  • Getting a mild chest cold, getting a test that has had a ton of false positives, being told "YER GONNA DIE!!!", and freaking the fuck out while adding to the New Cases numbers
  • Pneumonia is a potential complication, but does getting that mean you had C-19 in the first place?
  • Deaths are higher among old people who for the past howeverlong I can remember always seemed to be passing away this time of year yet we never locked down and freaked out.

Other words I cant think of, but the one thing that really bugs me is how many are being trained to not ask "why", but to also lash out at anyone who does.

Odd how the RATM "fuck you wont do what you tell me" crowd seemed to fall in line PDQ once the CBC told them what to do.

I have a feeling that only N. America is getting the super tested totally legit not at all a fraudulent way to do irreparable harm to people over the long term vaccine.

Or are there plans to distribute this STTLNAAAFWTDIHTPOTLT vaccine all over the world?

E: Read that the mRNA version isn't being distributed in India, they're using the traditional inactive virus styled inoculation.


https://archive.is/NzYiL the non Communist Brainwashing Consortium link to the article, and....(drumroll please....).......



No discussion allowed! No independent thought allowed!!


you put a post in contest mode because reasons.


Because it's less shitty.


autonomous zones, antifa riots, proudboy riots, riotous riots, just all sorts of big civil disturbances everywhere, yet in Canada... crickets.

I haven't seen a single barricade, blocked off city street, or neighbourhood taken over by someone, but the US gets all that jazz and more!


They're sure pushing the vaccine hard.

Comments with a virtuous "Bring it on" attitude are updooted and celebrated. Feel that rush of endorphins for fake internet points.

Comments that advocate a wait and see approach, or question whether or not this vaccine was rushed are predictably nuked, the commenter mocked and ridiculed.

Go here to see more brainwashing, but don't blame me if you get whiplash from all the headshaking. I almost feel bad for them!

Best part is they think this is going to be over soon. Because (conspiracy time) governments always ease off the reins once a crisis is over. Like income tax.


My building has 2 xersons per elevator rule. I get on, then it stops a few floors down.

Doors open to reveal two folks all masked up of course, both with expressions indicating that they're trying to process how to deal with this situation, as me plus ye equals three.

Xerson the 1st mumbles "maybe we should just take the stairs", xiz she-partner replies "good idea". Sorry kids, I guess you never expected to encounter someone else using the elevator machine.

Best part though, the shocked look they both had, a combination of fear/anger/and disbelief. "but the sign says TWO people max! wat do now?!!?"

tldr: liberals.


And of course warnings that speaking out against it will result in A BAN!!

The number of people cheering this shit on isn't shocking seeing as how they wait for CBC/CNN to tell them how to think and feel about things, but in a way I'm glad they're all lining up. In 2 years time when things start to go wonky, they'll do the right thing and blame Harper.



And don't forget that when you're a mod in a city sub not only can you upvote posts multiple times, you can delete any detractors despite claiming to have nothing to do with the event in question. Because blocking emergency vehicles and keeping people from seeing sick relatives is awesome.



Can you cucks please include a counter of subscribers? It'd be nice to know so that a) triggered libs from reddit can scream and cry when they see the numbers, and b) it might encourage others to join the party.

As it stands, this is the "old man yells at clouds" version of a site. Lots of noise, not much else.


r/Vancouver. Post about the 50,000 (actual number 46 but you can't tell from the reaction) covid deaths over the weekend.

All responses are some variation on "OMG Literally Crying", "DAMN! So sad!" or "I feel sick", and so on.

Of course, a billion upvotes for those comments, and [REMOVED] for those that don't take part in the panic.

So, they're either bots, or just wanting to get many updoots so they write something trite. Apart from that, the usual bashing of those who dare speak out against doctrine, and voila! Your daily fearmongering post.

Just don't tell them how many people die from car accidents, trips and falls, or natural causes!

one more thing: how come nobody ever focuses on the "Recovered" statistics? For this round, it's 21,304.

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