Omar Khadr gets $10.5 million from the government, while a group of patriots are labelled terrorists. This country is a complete joke.
On the more socialist subreddits, they consider the NDP to be a "centrist party". Because the NDP supports private ownership of property, rather than government seizure, they're not considered true socialists by the radical left. But they sure do worship Trudeau's father.
Plus a massive federal deficit which will cost taxpayers $15 billion per year in additional interest costs.
I fantasize about Teresa Tam whenever I put a paper bag over my head.
Say the line, Bart: "Diversity is our strength".
There's no problem at all with relentless anti-white indoctrination at universities. I'm sure a new book club will start up soon with some right-wing literature like "The Culture of Critique" and "Camp of the Saints".
Our Canadian PM is such a super nice guy. Too bad his term in office has been dominated by endless scandals and incompetent leadership.
I'll always remember reading this NY Times article "The Year of Living Postracially" back in 2009 https://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/04/opinion/04whitehead.html
Obama was going to bring in a post-racial society where everyone was an equal citizen regardless of race. Instead, the exact opposite has happened to the point where BLM and the alt-right rose during Obama's presidency and the media and academics intensified their anti-white propaganda with an unprecedented fury.
https://cheekyvideos.net/ has two copies of that video: Surrender Our Future and Take Back Our Future (in the 2DADS TV section).
It was a female Pakistani waitress who wrote "Chinky" on a Chinese family's bill. It wasn't a mixup of Pakistani-Chinese.
I remember seeing an interview a few years ago where a "refugee" from the United States just decided to cross the border so he could get a masters degree in Canada. The sense of entitlement for some people is ridiculous.
2014: Zimbabwe's President Tells White Farmers They "Should Go"
2018: "Doomed Without Whites" Says Outgoing Member of Parliament
I made the following comment below on r/Oakville. I'm tired of this bias. The Soviet Union murdered far more people than Germany did yet most Reddit commenters are celebrating the desecration of a cemetery. The only reason Kaganovich and Yagoda are unknown is because their religion matches the people who run Hollywood.
People commenting on this story need to familiarize themselves with the Holodomor.
Communist murderers such as Joseph Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich, and Genrikh Yagoda deliberately starved millions of Ukrainians to death during the 1930s. No kidding that so many Ukrainians wanted to fight against the Soviet Union in WW2.
Instead of celebrating the desecration of a cemetery, learn about the real horrors of 20th century communism. It was the far and away the most murderous ideology of the last century, far ahead of fascism.
The members who showed up for work laughed. All 20 of them.
I like JF Gariepy's "Public Space" show on YouTube, which he broadcasts live each night. He's a Quebecois guy, but he does a mix of international news and interviews.
Yes, this new .win site is off to a good start, and looks promising for the future.
I checked Ruqqus and Saidit for some of my other replacement subs and they're kind of dead at the moment.
This website shows how income inequality increased dramatically since 1971. https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/
The 1970s are also when feminism became prominent, leftists started to dominate the universities and multi-culturalism was officially adopted by the federal government.
So...1970 was roughly the beginning of the end for this country.