Democracy has failed.
learn to code
Never trust progressives, they will never stop.
What started out as "we just want equality"!
Became "we want to be the hammer and you to be the nail"
Canzuk is the most pathetic ideas there is, why is the lesson now that we should become more integrated with other countries and open our borders to them even more? We hardly trade with either New Zealand or Australia as is anyway
Yeah definitely form than Union with New Zealand!
You don’t even need to be a Canadian to vote..
Lockdowns are retarded, the evidence is clear.
Twitter can eat my ass
People are waking up big time, all over the world, this cult like behaviour isn't long for this world.
We are slaves, we are the government's punching bag for them to obtain more power and enrich themselves.
Science has been corrupted to be wielded as a politcal tool, same with climate change.
The testing thing is done because it’s politically convenient, simple as that.
If O’Tool wasn’t a cuck he’d fervently oppose all lockdowns.
Because we were pussies for too long and now the Left controls everything that is powerful. Too many Conservatives are willing compromise and cede ground to the Left on things like Immigration which is a tool used to import voters. You can’t be obsessed with playing Mr. Nice Guy all the time, the Left doesn’t care about playing nice and they won.
Canada is not sustainable.
It’s funny how Muslim invaders were slaughtered by European Christians for centuries, now they just stroll right in and do whatever they want.
China plotted to destroy the West with Covid lockdowns and drugs, it’s working brilliantly.
The American establishment has been desperate for an excuse for an Iran War for decades. If Trump loses it will happen within a week of him leaving.
Big tech is a the biggest authoritarian arm in our society used to rig elections and suppress free expression, dictators of the past could only dream of having such a powerful weapon.
Internet government surveillance to combat “online hate”, followed by “isolation camps”.
Commies rigging elections, what else is new.
LOL can’t make this stuff up
The biggest proponents of slavery in Canada were natives.
Max Bernier on the same path
Not surprising, Wiki is Globalist scum.