northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair, she is most likely a member of a non-combat unit or even a reserve unit. Think communications, logistics, intel, technical support, etc.

Their fitness standards are pretty lax compared to a front line rifle company.

northerncrusher 2 points ago +3 / -1

Except nowadays that gets you tossed in jail.

We’re literally at the point where resistance to this authoritarian takeover needs to go underground, in the shadows.

It’s a propaganda war now. Hearts and minds. Martyrs don’t achieve much when the population is brainwashed by state-controlled media.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be hilarious to watch. I hope he gets wrecked at the ballot.

Unfortunately it means we end up with a Grit/Dipper/Green government .

northerncrusher 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oooh I know what you mean!

I started out in a journalism program my first year in University but holy fuck it was leading SJW wokeness hard even back in 1998. I didn’t have a reference frame for it then, and wasn’t aware of the looming battles for the soul of western culture, but journalism was already pivoting to where they are today.

I switched to history and economics in my second year.

Funny enough, aside from using my degree to teach English in a bunch of different countries for a few years, I have never used it in Canada. Now I drive trucks lol.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +2 / -1

They don’t have a provincial party.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has anyone seen any recent polling data? For some reason I think that the Karens and Boomers and Pramjeets who vote for Trudeau will also vote for Ford, for some fucked up reason.

NPCs gonna NPC.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck cops. Anyone who would willingly put on a uniform with the intent of using arms to control other people is a sack of shit.

They don’t uphold the law or protect the public. Society goes to shit. Black gangs and terrorists and druggies ruin every city they touch, and then the uniformed retards with guns beat up moms and elderly who just wanted to go for a walk outdoors. Fuck the police. Any one who is a cop is a piece of shit human being.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair to Ottawa (where I live), our mayor and city council have been trying to stand up to Ford over these lockdowns.

Mayor Watson (a globalist cuck shill to be sure) issued a public WTF? open letter to Ford in the Ottawa Citizen, citing the city’s relatively low COVID numbers.

Ford’s answer?

House arrest for the entire province.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, all the cities vote Lib anyways. They don’t need to go to such huge lengths and create entire complicated conspiracies. CTV and CBC and TorStar have taken care of it all for them.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +2 / -1

Perfect! I have a degree, but now I drive DZ trucks. I make a ton of money, never really have a boss or office politics, don’t deal with any Ramjeets or Mohammeds, and I get weekends and holidays off.

I was going to buy a snowplow and get some private contracts but I’m glad I held off because there honestly isn’t much snow this winter in Ottawa.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read somewhere a year or two ago that r/Canada is modded mainly by Bell Media aka CTV

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The CPC doesn’t have any principles. They stand simply for rural voters to say “Errrr red bad me vote blue.” They are, however, controlled opposition and completely useless. They let the brain dead NPCs on the left have an enemy to vent at and the equally brain dead NPCs on the right have someone they think they support.

northerncrusher 3 points ago +5 / -2

To be fair, the government has literally just shut down all the jobs. Like it's almost illegal to go to work at this point, unless it's a low-paid, low-skilled Walmart work.

If the government forces everyone to lose their jobs, the government can bloody well pay for all those people now.

northerncrusher 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well fuck if Doug catches COVID and has to be in hospital, his fat ass will take up two of those beds.

northerncrusher 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well fuck if Doug catches COVID and has to be in hospital, his fat ass will take up two of those beds.

northerncrusher 18 points ago +18 / -0

The vast majority of the cops in this country are enemies of the people. They are the foot soldiers/thugs of our corrupt politicians. Expect nothing good from them.

If you are stopped by the Gestapo, you have to give them your ID. But so do POWs when captured. Give them your name, date of birth, and address. Nothing more. You don't have to answer any other questions. Expect to be beat up and arrested, but stick to name, DOB, and address.

northerncrusher 34 points ago +34 / -0

Hey Dougy,

Fuck you you piece of shit cuck. Wrong party asshole. The Communist Party is over that way. I hope you choke on the next crack pipe you deep throat you fucking piece of shit. Fucking die.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most black guys I know don’t even like black women lol.

northerncrusher 1 point ago +1 / -0

We don’t really have rights. We have privileges.

Rights are, by definition, inalienable. You’re born with them and the government needs to protect that fact, mostly from itself.

Privileges are granted by the government. They can be taken away by the government. Calling the privileges in our Charter “rights” is just 1984 newspeak.

  • edited because of autocorrect stupidity
northerncrusher 2 points ago +2 / -0

This exactly. I’ve been noticing a shift away from Trump and onto Trump supporters as well.

As someone who has studied history rather extensively, there are crazy parallels between this and the Stalinist “kulak” purges as well as Maoist cultural revolution antics.

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