onEangrymillwright 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dont believe your lying eyes..... you plebe are too dumb to understand these numbers... the COOF coof is super for realz and the numbers we fudge say so.... Also some good lolz, "media literacy " "personal responsibility "and then the go too "white supremacy "

by skanon
onEangrymillwright 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah..... instead of walking to the pub and vote on my way.... I can sit on my lazy ass and vote for more gibbs, yay more Daddy Government...

onEangrymillwright 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tinfoil toque time: limit areas for FF, keeping the rats in place, limit flights of escape, all the vax push bs(show vaccine harm)push people to the precipice?? Just too many coinkidinks going on in the world.... Know back to your regularly scheduled shit posting....

onEangrymillwright 1 point ago +1 / -0

But basketball /baseball /soccer and swimming pool are all in the same place in the city?..... How the fuck doesnt a 14-19 kid know how to swim in 20xx ? Where the fuck are the fucking parents?We are literally surrounded by lakes?

onEangrymillwright 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow....at the same time as the "hack" of the colonial pipeline.... My goodness what are the actual odds of that....17x /45x ? Just gets the noggin joggin....

by narf8h1
onEangrymillwright 2 points ago +2 / -0

All must be brought to the precipice..... Why do you think that they are speeding things up.... I ??fear..... something is amiss in the state of Denmark....? Lots of fun stuff is happening in the ?, we just dont get it here in Canukastan news.....

by narf8h1
onEangrymillwright 1 point ago +1 / -0

Woohoo....I get to use some of my HAMMERS, I've seen what my Thor hammer does to metal..... cant wait.to see what it does to any knucklehead that bothers me...

by narf8h1
onEangrymillwright 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cool..... so with all the halting of the "VACCINES" cant wait to see this one go through......

onEangrymillwright 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because of the helicopter parenting and feminization of education, has taught a few generations that the gov is here to help and dont rock the boat..... it's a scary world out there and we have failed our kids.... no critical thinking skills, life skills just a shiny bubble wrapped world that's afraid of it ls own shadow..... But there is ? a coming..... The shit winds are a blowing Randy...

onEangrymillwright 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oops.... but we can mix them all together and make a wicked awesome vax.... Canakastan #1 Canakastan #1

onEangrymillwright 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey.... didnt all those fucking politicians get the vax?.....so why arent they all at work, full house no bs excuses.... no more zoom bs..... get to parliament and do your fucking job....

onEangrymillwright 2 points ago +2 / -0

6uild 6ack 6etter.... almost like there is a worldwide conspiracy of a NWO..... nope just my tinfoil toque.picking up some interference....

onEangrymillwright 1 point ago +1 / -0

This☝️..... we have all forgotten what makes the world go round....TRADES All you need is just the willingness to want to learn...... you learn the short cuts after.putting in the time to do it the.long way (apparently people dont understand that).... And a.trade is always going to be there for you to fall back on if the world collapses..... The biggest point is all TRADES are essential, just have to pick the one that is more essential....

onEangrymillwright 2 points ago +2 / -0

I enjoyed the fact that Trudy decided it was a.good idea to give 250-350$ million of our tax dollars, in the world fight on Coof coof..... me spidey senses kinda tingling that there might be something else going on with our $$$$ and this "World Covid Health" bs.....??

onEangrymillwright 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow....24/7 pr campaign..... I guess the vax isnt catching on with the normies....weird i say If the SCAMDEMIC was real why all the advertising about the variants..... And a big ooopsie for Trudope was the legalizing of the Lovely herb..... bunch of studies about cannabis' ability to stave off respiratory issues (due to its anti inflammatory abilities)

onEangrymillwright 3 points ago +3 / -0

But our.military has.to share equipment..... lol

onEangrymillwright 6 points ago +6 / -0

I enjoyed the part about my sex and gender as 2 questions.... I really do enjoy being a single , furry, pansexual, black women in a wheel chair with no arms no legs and no head, suffering from seasonal dandruff.... Cant wait for those sweet Trudy/Freeland buxs

onEangrymillwright 7 points ago +7 / -0

Actually..... there is only 1 thing that has to happen..... and we ALL know what it is...but MINECRAFT these days is really busy.....

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