You're forgetting that we paid for it with our tax dollars.
Never forget that we paid for that fucking thing with our own tax dollars.
I contend that Canadians have a right to do the worst kind of blackface, and I do mean acting like a monkey while wearing rags, with a stuffed sock down your pants simulating a 2-foot penis so long as they clearly identify themselves as imitating Trudeau but you have to have standards.
First of all, if you're going to do Trudeau then you have to understands that the man is as privileged as he is ignorant and he fucking loves costumes.
You need to spend at least $800 on the costume. It needs to be silk, it needs to be perfectly sewn and it needs to be ignorant.
This kid's costume was deeply offensive. He just painted his face and hands brown, threw on a towel and said he was Trudeau. Canadians shouldn't be so fucking lazy.
He should have been suspended for that shit. It's such a half-assed effort.
At the famous (because no one ever mentions, or pictures the "rafting picture" because it's so bad) "Arabian Nights" night where he was photographed with the Sikh teachers he went all-in. That was the most offensive costume I've ever seen but it was finely made and Trudeau went with it on the makeup.
I wouldn't be shocked if he had painted his own dick brown, then made sure to only piss when other people were in there for the attention that he'd get from painting his dick brown.
If you aren't going to spend at least a thousand dollars on your Trudeau-blackface costume and devote the kind of attention to it that only a drama-nerd could muster then don't even bother.
I hope they expel that lazy cunt. School isn't going to do anything for someone who puts in that little effort.
I don't know if any of you have seen a Daily Express in person but my aunt used to love it and every time she visited she'd bring us a stack as a present (she's an interesting lady.)
It's shit. It may be the most ludicrous newspaper on the planet.
That being said, Trump will win this election in a landslide. The Democrats saw this one as a foregone conclusion so they mostly spent it trying to see what works and what doesn't. The last election's results caught them by surprise and they're trying to regain their feet.
The only real question is how does this shitshow affect Democrats in other houses? Does Trump get the House and the Senate and end up with more power than any recent President?
It would be the second time that he'd been in that situation, only this time the Republicans will be more loyal and he'd actually get a chance to legislate.
He could end up being one of the most influential US Presidents of all time if he gets all 3 Houses and the DNC may be giving a few "problems" enough rope to hang themselves at the moment.
Ilyan Omar, AOC, Rashid Tlaib, the women are all problematic to the Democrats' futures 4 years down the line and all 3 have seen mass lootings in their ridings. All 3 have also encouraged said riots and lootings.
It's entirely plausible to think that the DNC are cleaning House during this election. The squad is unpopular, controversial and they generate a lot of headlines, Kamala Harris is deeply unpleasant and resonates with no one, Pelosi is long in-the-tooth and best put out to pasture, and Biden is a relic.
Strategically speaking, the DNC would be very smart to be sandbagging this election and using it as a chance to clean house. A defeat in all 3 Houses would give them a chance to bring in new people and resume their agenda in 2024.
Apparently Donald Trump's Presidency is going to be historic.
I don't know how I feel about that, it may actually be winning to the point where I get tired of it and the fact that he said there would be so much winning that we'd get tired of it somehow makes it worse.
Ah well, may we be smart enough to elect a government that will be friendly to him in the spring so we can get back to working together with the States (and only being total dicks to each other when it comes to sports, as is tradition.)
Wasn't that interesting?
The woman who was the heir to a powerful publishing empire, whose father was the one responsible for the state of required University books (with their outrageous prices, constant new editions and minimal payouts for the profs who write the fucking things) and who was indicted for her role in an elite pedophilic blackmail ring was exposed as being a powermod on not just r/politics, but multiple other mainstream, promoted subs?
Conde Nast, eh? Interesting company, that.
No, no, no, no.
That being said I never knew anyone with the old HIVsky but that doesn't mean a shit ton of people didn't die from it.
Certainly would have been cool to know what banging bareback felt like in those days. Chicks were all on birthcontrol (because people discovered that it made them less PMS'y) in those days but everyone was still fucking a cold latex sock anyhow because they feared some killer disease that was basically confined to gays, blacks and hemophiliacs (although no one fucking told us about that now, did they? I shudder to think about how many people wore a condom to prevent AIDS while losing their virginity to a girl they'd know for their whole life.)
The government loves to overblow diseases for the sake of social control. They've been doing it forever at this point.
That doesn't mean the diseases aren't real, it just means that all governments are shitty and opportunistic.
Holy fuck. That's insane.
There's obviously some immigrant group brigading his post but check out how many of them are using templates because they can't speak English.
It's 90% of the responses and the templates aren't even written in what I'd consider to be grade 5 English.
"Many #outland_pr_applicants still look forward to receiving their PPRs or COPRs. The only way to help these future Canadians decide for their future is to finalize their application this November."
"We, #PR_applicants , are living in darkness, frustrated after a long long wait, hit by the pandemic hardly and looking forward to hearing some good news on your side. Please put an end to this long wait and grant our PPRs."
"Hit by the pandemic hardly."
That's in their actual template.
Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.
Which will be promptly blown, as is tradition.
So that's a total of 2.4 billion dollars spent on a bunch of people who were barely touched by the coronavirus, don't pay a cent in taxes. are becoming incredibly rebellious and who just tried to destroy the country 9 months ago.
Who wants to bet that this additional(!) spending ends up benefitting no one but the chiefs and their families?
It's incredibly obvious at this point.
I'll say this about the r/canada mods though, what do you think the chances are that one of them was doing it as a part of job rather than volunteering their time?
Makes sense. The LPC seems to be in love with the idea of "more people artificially raises the GDP which means we can keep spending like lunatics."
With those numbers, plus the number of "alternative" immigration streams we'll be bringing in the equivalent of the population of Calgary every year.
Even worse, the government is committing to fully revamping the system and we all know what that means. Billions of dollars in spending.
That might be because reddit is almost dead at this point.
My favourite thing about hitting r/canada is to see the disparity between a Beaverton post, or anything else that uses a shilling company and the actual posts in that sub.
Shilling companies are basically call centre-tier work. It isn't where one looks if they want to find competence.
So every post on r/canada will have around 200 upvotes if they're really good, meanwhile every theBeaverton joke will have 8000ish.
It's truly hilarious to see. It's a great example of how un-organic reddit became over the years which is likely why people aren't using it.
Out of those 64 posts on r/Canada how many of them were posted by professionals who were posting as a part of their job? 20? 40? Maybe even 60.
Who even knows at this point? How many upvotes were purchased?
There's many reasons why that site is dying.
The Muslim Brotherhood has no problem with using useful idiots.
Right now their plan seems to be "get as many muslims as possible to Canada, use whatever systems are available to silence any opposition and wait till their numbers are significant."
It's been successful so far.
The reason why they were so after the PPC, or any candidate who even suggests reducing immigration. The idea is to become the majority.
That's when they start throwing gays off buildings. At the moment though? It's all about getting the numbers.
A gay muslim who founded an anti-fa branch in Winnipeg is suing the PPC for calling him a terrorist after a member of his organization threatened to burn down a gallery that was hosting an event with all of them in it.
He's asking for 1.2 million with $150,000 in punitive damages and no reason for the other 1.05 million.
I think the PPC will survive this one.
That being said, could the PPC not have found an EDA President who was smarter than to get into an e-mail flamewar with a gay muslim anti-fa activist?
Winnipeg Centre was a riding where the party was actually trying but the President of the EDA still turned out to be an old lady who was more than willing to roll with a pig.
These people are irrelevant unless someone gives them attention, which she most certainly did and now he's in the news.
The end-goal of every fringe activist is to make the news. No one has heard of this guy before, I doubt his organization has more than 5 members but thanks to her emails calling him a terrorist he can get his name out there.
A year and a half is not enough time to have a candidate in every riding. It is nowhere near being enough time.
Her government was quite hostile to smokers so my thoughts on a non-smoking hotel, or non-smoking office (where she smoked anyway) would be "rules for thee but not for me."
That by-election was blatantly won by the people who didn't bother to vote.
Bernier shouldn't have touched this by-election but I understand the strategy.
He needed a seat for legitimacy.
He would have actually had a chance had he stayed in his father's riding and focused solely on at least getting back in the House.
Who would have thought that one would get any amount of attention during this US election? Anyone could have predicted that it would have been a farce. It was obvious and Bernier needed attention to have a chance in York Centre.
I'd love to kick his strategists in the nuts, followed by the team that runs his twitter account.
Bernier basically wasted a few months running in a by-election where the CPC and the LPC brought in heavy-hitters when he should have been putting in the groundwork in his own riding, with the idea that a proper election is coming soon.
I still believe that he would make a great Prime Minister, but my fuck is his team ever incompetent and their strategies are completely wrong.
You need to stop repeating that talking point, Bev Oda was hounded for a hell of a lot more than a $16 glass of juice.
First of all, that $16 glass of juice was bought at an expensive breakfast, at an expensive hotel before she took a limo to the conference she was attending.
The conference had provided a hotel for her, and breakfast but none of that was salubrious enough for Bev Oda. She needed to stay in the finest of accommodations and eat in a much fancier restaurant.
She chain-smoked in her room as well, and the taxpayers picked up the fine for her. That was nice.
She was quite the smoker, Bev Oda. I have a weakness for the darts to but you have to give it to her. She was the cabinet minister who chain smoked in her own office. She put the Greeks to shame with her smoking habits, she didn't give a fuck, no matter where she was she was going to have a dart and if she ever got fined that was a problem for the taxpayer.
The reason the media loves to hound on Bev Oda's $16 glass of orange juice is because it makes Conservatives look petty and disingenuous.
She was ridiculous. An absolute diversity hire picked from the media, who was gifted a cabinet role for no reason other than her ethnicity and who utterly abused the public's money and acted in a contemptuous manner.
Talking about Bev Oda's infamous $16 orange juice lionizes one of the worst cabinet ministers in the history of Canada by pretending that was the only reason for her resigning in disgrace.
Fuck Bev Oda.
I wouldn't worry about it.
The liberals are far more interested in censoring facebook groups and twitter users than us.
It's the government. They're in love with feeling like celebrities on twitter, but half of their replies are from people who are being mean to them and ditto for facebook.
They aren't really interested in censoring the internet as a whole, they're more about censoring the parts of the internet from which they derive validation and adoration.
That's facebook and twitter.
Trudeau could give a shit about some random forum. He definitely gives a shit about people making fun of him under his posts and accusing him of being a traitor or more commonly, a sex predator and a pedo (which isn't as implausible as one would think considering his record as a teacher and him being heavily backed by the Bronfmans.)
We'll be fine.
And the worst fucking Buffalo Chicken sandwich I've ever had in my life.
Accompanied by a cheap schooner of lukewarm Heineken that tasted of dirty beer lines.
But my fuck was the bill ever small.
I give Chuck's a C-. It's a meal that you'll hate but at least it's cheap.
Unlike some places. Kelsey's.
I've got some sympathy for her. This shit isn't easy for anyone, especially the Karens.
I hate the kind of cunt who runs to HR over her own anxieties as much as anyone else but you have to feel for how hard this pandemic has been for the people who don't even like their job or their co-workers.
Imagine going through this pandemic listening to everything that the CBC puts out and only what the CBC puts out; believing in it faithfully the entire time?
I don't even want to know what kind of cognitive whiplash it would have taken for that kind of person to go from "no need for masks, we're sending ever one in the country to China as a goodwill gesture" to "we're investing billions in PPE" to "you have to wear a mask everywhere" that would entail if you believed in the government wholeheartedly. That happened over a matter of months.
This pandemic has been hard on the bitter cunts of the country.
I don't like them, no one does, but you have to admit that it's been hard for them.
To be fair to Trudeau every party is trying to buy votes with the PR for relatives lottery. Bernier actually had the biggest numbers of any of the parties last time around, and O'Toole sneakily promised to increase the numbers the last time around.
Like it or not, our government has convinced people to immigrate to Canada by pitching it as a great place for their family with a social security net including healthcare.
Every immigrant in the country believes that means their entire family. Especially their parents and grandparents, and especially when their health begins to fail.
Immigrants (apart from the fundamentalist muslims) don't really care about the overall immigration rate, it's the family re-unification immigration that's critical to them and no one has a hope of winning an election without increasing that stream.
There isn't a party in the country who isn't fully committed to family reunification immigration, no matter how much of a strain it is on our systems nor how matter it nullifies any of the economic benefits that come from immigration.
It's just one of those things that all parties have to embrace if they want a chance at winning an election at this point.