ratticus 21 points ago +21 / -0

The fact he would even take a call from a teenage drop out but can't find five minutes for adult women in his own caucus says so much about who and what Trudeau considers important.

ratticus 1 point ago +1 / -0

So how will you prove, to Qantas' satisfaction, that you have taken that vaccine? Will it be noted in your passport? Will you have a barcode tattooed on your forearm? A chip at the place of vaccination that can be scanned as you board?

I ask because I just had to go through proving my kids are vaccinated for school and the government records were so poor that they each had to get boosters of vaccines they already had, "just in case". What database will be created that Qantas can search, or what document will be tamper-proof enough that you can carry it and trust it? Have you given any thought to that or are you just so trusting of government that you are willing to turn your ability to travel over to their dubious record keeping?

ratticus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did he? Peace is breaking out in the Middle East, trade deals have been reworked, China is finally being outed as the genocidal inheritor of Hitler's dream, right wing parties are winning power all over the world, and he did all that in one term. Good luck putting the genie back in the bottle.

ratticus 1 point ago +1 / -0

And you can go back to whatever shithole European country tossed your ass out the door. Parjeet is at least working to make a better home for his kids, that's better than some whiny white boy pissed some gooback took his jerb.

ratticus -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's his job and he needs the tips. Likely this dude is working delivery as a second job to feed his kids. Nice choice to make, feed his kids by risking his job which likely requires him to wear a mask or don't and hope other people are more generous than the asshole who insists on shoving his paranoid political agenda at a pizza delivery driver. Some clowns should never have even the slightest bit of power. This one? This asshole found a way to use a tip to flex on a pizza driver.

ratticus -2 points ago +2 / -4

Wow, there are assholes and then there are the type of assholes who abuse delivery drivers for over a tip. As RealHarvo said, enjoy you spit-pizzas from now on, you truly deserve them.

ratticus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Refusing service because of a disability is bad. Yes, most of the bylaws and health orders do not require proof of a disability at the point of service because it's none of the bus driver's business what a person's medical condition is. Too many Karen's and Gerry's out there think that it is their business and the mask rules give them free reign to be assholes. This guy can take them to a Human Rights Commission, sure. The problem will come when he has to prove his disability there.

All that said, reading that guy's FB feed tells me he is a conspiratard and he has no actual disability. Good luck to him with that...

My son has an actual disability that can make wearing a mask very difficult, not because it prevents him from breathing but because it agitates him and aggravates his anxiety. His school understands that and makes provisions for him. He has no need nor responsibility to inform anyone of his medical issues, though, and that's the point this cop and the bus driver have failed to realize. Know the law before you try to enforce it, especially if you risk your company coming up on the wrong side of it.

ratticus 3 points ago +3 / -0

For fuck's sake, there is no such thing as white culture or "white" food. There is only other ethnicity's food and we white people steal all of it. We're bad people who need to be erased. Just accept it and don't have any children, ok? And maybe consider suicide for the good of everyone else. It's the best thing we can do to make Canada better.

ratticus 3 points ago +3 / -0

How can anyone judge the reasonableness of public policy if the data behind that policy is top secret? For example, it is reasonable to restrict bars and restaurants if bars and restaurants are major sites of infection. Thing is, we don't get to see that data. Here in BC every city and municipality has its own little emergency team making rules as they see fit over the few things they actually control. In one city no spectators (parents) are allowed anywhere near the field, in another one parent per player, in another they just ask you to distance. Why is each place different and on what data is each city basing its response? Is there a lot of infection coming from parents on sidelines?

We know anecdotally that this major spike is mostly among young people. Is it school based transmission? Is it caused by unsafe social gatherings in homes? If so, why are restaurants and kids sports getting crapped on? Me, I think it's like gun control. The authorities can't stop teens and 20-somethings from partying or dating, so they need to be seen doing something, anything, just for the optics. They can only punish those they have control over.

ratticus 5 points ago +5 / -0

7.62x39 in bulk

ratticus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aboriginals have to move on from their subsistence level hunter-gatherer past and accept that Western advancements in technology have made their traditions obsolete. Globalism has a lot of down sides, mostly to do with moving manufacturing to third world shitholes and giving them the upward mobility to impose their shit on us (I'm looking at you, China!) but I have to admit I like fresh veggies in December.

The real problem is Canada has neither the climate nor the geography to support another 40 million people. We have no sun belt, no California, and our few viable cities are already overcrowded. Vancouver especially cannot handle more immigrants due to the triple restraints of the mountains, the ocean, and the US border. Who really wants to live in Manitoba, honestly?

ratticus 8 points ago +8 / -0

They're artists, you can't force creativity. Sheesh.

ratticus 3 points ago +3 / -0

He abdicated his royalty, why should the royal family lay a wreath for him? Is he that special? I'm a vet, too, but if I want to lay a wreath at our local cenotaph I have to pay for it myself.

ratticus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ya know, it's possible to be against slavery and not like black people. It was a pretty common opinion. Just like today, we can be against animal cruelty and not like dogs. If you don't like that analogy, sorry, but that's pretty much the way 18th and 19th century people viewed slavery and Africans.

ratticus 7 points ago +7 / -0

once the divorce is final...

ratticus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, you can get gender-affirming surgery during a pandemic but people are dying of heart attacks and can't get their "elective" hip replacements.

ratticus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Heinlein was a weird dude but he had it right when it came to voting. Voting should be earned through service or intelligence, not just because you survived birth. When you have skin in the game your vote means something. Today too many voters just vote for the party that promises to give them the most.

ratticus 6 points ago +6 / -0

20% of ICU beds in use for Covid patients. The system is about to collapse, I tell ya!

ratticus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmmmm... Hack app, put retarded pols in to isolation for two weeks... rinse and repeat

ratticus 16 points ago +16 / -0

and in five years the Liberals have almost a two million new voters who just love them.

ratticus -2 points ago +1 / -3

But her wet-ass pussy is consensually wet-ass whereas the other song is basically rape.

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