I had something bad at exactly that time. I was coughing constantly. Still went to work. Went to the doctor, was negative for pneumonia and they said it's probably bronchitis. I had a lingering cough for 2 months. Lost my sense of smell for a while. It sucked but I could still function.
In March I had a covid test which was negative. Thing is now I wonder if it only shows up positive if you have an active infection?
I wonder how long until she divorces him because "he's not the man he used to be."
She made him give up his royal titles, made him move to Canada- wait no she didn't like it, I mean move to LA.
She's older than him too. Being some hollywood actress from California, you know she's alt left.
Edward VIII abdicated the throne in the 30s to marry some divorcee actress. I guess history repeats itself in that family.
That's what most places in Canada look like today outside of major cities. Dead after 7pm, maybe 1-2 non-fast food restaurants open, everything closed Sundays except walmart.
Posters here talk about how they would never live in an expensive shitty city like Toronto, but I feel like they have never lived in any big city and experienced the convenience and variety that they offer.
Personally I like living in big cities. I hate our big cities though. Canada has few options - Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. Vancouver too expensive and overrun by corrupt rich Chinese, Montreal you need French or you are treated like a second class citizen, Toronto expensive and shitty transportation and rising crime rate.
First CBC would run the story for a week, with every new detail receiving a whole new article.
Then they would interview local immigrants to ask how it makes them unsafe and how bad white people are.
Trudeau would make an official speech denouncing terrorism, but not actually do anything.
Next they would make an article asking why "far right" groups haven't been designated as terrorist organizations.
It makes a lot of sense that religion has been used for millennia to create a civilized society. Christian values are still held in high regard by Western countries today. Don't murder, don't steal, don't lie, don't cheat, honour your family, treat other people the same as how you want to be treated. That last point is lost on many people. For the alt left, it seems all of the points are lost.
Now you have people that denounce religion (except Islam), yet unwittingly they follow the religion of social justice movements like BLM, Greta Thunberg, or whatever the flavour of the week is. They follow these groups just like people follow religion. They can do no wrong as long as they are committing an act in its name. Burning down a police station - fine it's for a good cause. Anyone who does not agree with you is a heathen, or a "nazi white supremacist" as they say. It's like the Spanish Inquisition all over again.
I doubt the "leaders" of those groups even realise this. First instill a set of beliefs, then get people to meet up and protest and riot (equivalent of having mass and praying), then on the side meet friends, have events and parties, all while creating a sense of community ONLY for those involved.
I myself am not religious but I was raised Catholic.
I served on a jury and we were instructed specifically that you cannot consider someone guilty unless you know beyond reasonable doubt that they did it. "I think he did it" or "he probably did it" is not enough. I can't see how he could be convicted of anything unless the jury is super biased or the defense attorney is terrible. Especially given they charged him with first degree murder or some bs.
I think Jordan Peterson summed it up best in one of his videos.
Even if that perfect leader is in place to create the perfect communist society, soon some dictator who is willing to do immoral things will kill that leader and take over, and bend the system to his will.
Then they think conservatives are crazy for saying the media is controlled by a few people who all sway one side.