sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

See! He's NOT a real conservative. He's going to move in lock step with the rest of the world. You'll only find people on the fringes in politics who have no real chance at winning, for actual real conservative leadership. This is why I'll keep on saying it's useless to vote now.

sirChestPainsMcDs 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only a matter of time. Drag your heels for as long as you can. I really wish I never got married nor had kids. I'd rather have gone at this future alone. I don't know if the bible really predicts a global mark of the beast - but it's sure shaping up to be exactly that. There's nothing they won't be able to force on you if you want to live by 2030. I don't see how anyone will be able to in the long run. I could change jobs when the time comes to be forced to get the jab or lose the job. But that's just going to buy me a little bit of time. With a family and mortage you're basically trapped. If anyone isn't married or doesn't have kids - I'm sorry to say this, but don't! I don't think it's a good idea. The only hill I'm willing to die on is if this ever gets to the point of renoucning one's faith in Jesus Christ with something that's the literal equivalent with the mark of the beast. Short of that, it's just a piece of ID for earthly matters. The day one's faith and worship come into play (church attendance is not the same thing), but who is the one you really worship, is when I'll have to choose physical death over spiritual.

sirChestPainsMcDs 23 points ago +23 / -0

You'll all keep voting Conservative and acting shocked when they don't do anything meaningful to undo the damage the Liberals have done. You won't be voting for PPC. But imagine if you all did.

sirChestPainsMcDs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pointing out their obvious hypocrisy and memeing at their expense accomplishes nothing. We all agree they're terrible. Voting conservative does nothing to stick it to them. Unless all us actual conservatives are voting for a real conservative party with a real chance of winning, it's over.

sirChestPainsMcDs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Conservatives won't dismantle any of this "vaccine" nor "passport" stuff. They'll move it forward. Maybe less aggressively, but it's here to stay. They won't be making any big waves. They won't be ending abortion. They won't dismantle any of the above meme'd buzzwords agendas. They won't make any waves. They'll have a superficial appearance of being conservative. Just look at Ford. Is he what you expected? I rest my case.

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish there were more doctors like him speaking out. What would be nice is if RETIRED doctors and SCIENTISTS would do the same. I mean what are they going to do FIRE them? We need more voices like his.

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I too have a security clearance where I'm at, and wondering if that doesn't automatically make mine Protected B as well?

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

oooo that's pretty slippery haha. they gave us a link to some kind of lottery they were participating in with similar rewards. The closest I've been asked was on a Zoom group meeting when my boss casually asked "So I think everyone's gotten both shots" to which I remained silent. There's no real pressure yet where I'm at.

sirChestPainsMcDs 3 points ago +3 / -0

It doesn't matter if the Conservatives win. They're basically Liberal Lite and will not make any big waves. All this vax and passport stuff will remain in place and continue to be pushed forward. Don't fool yourself and think otherwise.

sirChestPainsMcDs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because here they believe the Conservatives are an actual conservative party, and don't want folks wasting their votes on independents who have no real chance of winning or changing the direction of the country. I think the Libs and Cons are two wings of the same bird. This is why I continue to harp on how useless it is to vote these days. In Brazil they force you to vote, because I think folks there figured that out a long time ago. At some point they'll force us to vote in Canada to help keep up the charade of having an actual choice. Probably in the next decade or so.

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be preferable over Liberal or NDP. But a real Conservative Party will be one on the fringes these days. If I thought those had a real chance at winning I'd vote for one of them. I can really understand why some countries like Brazil enforce penalties for NOT voting. They've got to keep up the charade. I used to tell myself I was voting for the lesser evil, and slowing down the progress of Liberals - but was I? If the Conservatives win, don't expect any big changes. Everything that's going forward with vaccines, etc will continue without any meaningful interruption. It's here to stay. Conservatives are just paying us lip service. This is why I can't be bothered to vote. It's not that I'm cucked, but rather than I (and all of the rest of you as well) are being raped all the time. The difference here is I'm no longer lying to myself. The best we can hope for in our lifetime is Trump or someone else like him gets back into power and is actually serious about defeating the commies by going to war with China. That plus maybe a solar flare that knocks us back several centuries and resets humanity as a whole. Otherwise, dont' expect anything big to happen. Enjoy what time you have left with your loved ones. There's no where left to run from communism. There's no one to stop it.

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. I did want Trump to do that. Your system in the USA is broken beyond all hope of self-correction. As President he had a chance to do this. He had the legal and moral authority to do so.

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trying to put myself into his shoes, and trying not to assume the worst, I suppose I could buy that he saw the writing on the wall, and took the lead to move it out into the public sooner to somehow reduce the harm it would do. An emergency crash landing of sorts. I don't know. That's the best case scenario in his favour.

sirChestPainsMcDs 0 points ago +1 / -1

Which is why I'm posing the question here. What has been your personal take on these two questions in the other forum (assuming you're following it)? How can they still support Trump after #1 and #2 in my previous post above? How do they reconcile it in their minds?

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Finally someone else here who gets it.

I don't know why people on TheDonald still support Trump after he:

  1. Betrayed their trust by not having a military coup
  2. Pushed for the vaccine (I'd love to know how they can reconcile this)

Everything Trump did was temporary, and he knew it. He's controlled opposition. He's still buddies with the Clintons I'm guessing. He played his part. Just like villians in professional wrestling.

Folks, get right with Jesus. That should be your focus now.

sirChestPainsMcDs 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I'm blowing my nose crying into the white flag.

sirChestPainsMcDs 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's terrible I know. But I'm not willing to invest myself emotionally in this. I think it's always been like this, and we're only now noticing it.

sirChestPainsMcDs 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't think The Conservatives are significantly different than the Liberals.
I don't think any other right-leaning party has any real chance of winning. I also think all elections are rigged, and there's no real choice in who ultimately wins.

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