throwaway152 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dude, they simply don't wear masks, live with 8 other people in their immediate family, and have daily family gatherings with their 150 person "indirect family"

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lawyer here. He is right. If you are present, you can record. If you leave the room, it's illegal.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably because they would be rioting.

throwaway152 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can vouch for the tiger rock. I've not ONCE been killed by a tiger since buying.

throwaway152 8 points ago +8 / -0

Don't worry guys, he got a CD because it "minimized risk" for a serial pedophile, which have a 100% rehabilitation rate.

I wonder what his risk of raping future Canadian kids are if he's in India?

throwaway152 10 points ago +10 / -0

Go to stats Canada... Leading causes of death. Most recent stats are 2018... Go to pneumonia/flu, and you'll see over 8k deaths: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310039401

Now one line below that is lower respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis and emphysema, totaling 12k. Now of that 12k, lets give half to bronchitis as a guess. So that's atotal of 14k. That is the true influenza/cold impact on an annual basis.

Covid deaths since March 2019: 9.5K. There you fucking go. Then, look at the flu stats for 2020, where we have had 0 total deaths this year. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/flu-influenza/influenza-surveillance/weekly-reports-2020-2021-season.html

Given that we've completed about 60% of the flu season, we're at about 9.5k covid deaths vs a norm of about 14k for flu/cold deaths, and flu deaths this year are 0. It looks like at the end of the year, it won't even be a bad flu year. It will be almost EXACTLY on track to hit 14k.

This is why we are shutting down the country and turning ourselves into a third world shithole.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair, this technically likely was a covid death, since he probably just finished a bunch of chemo and had almost no white blood cells. Still, someone in that stage of post chemo is extremely susceptible to the flu.

throwaway152 3 points ago +3 / -0

That photograph: "Paul Manly"

throwaway152 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're way off man. They can't garnish anything from parasites on social benefits.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, if his story is acccurate, 35k sounds right. This dude had a job, contributed to society, and pretty much acted outside of every negative black stereotype. Fuck it, good for him man.

.. Everything I said assumes that his story was accurate and he was literally randomly arrested for no reason. The story is questionable as fuck, but if true, what's wrong with what happened?

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

People always compare first nations to white people at peak success. They don't compare them to the lifestyles they lived pre-colonization. Hint, they didn't get along.

throwaway152 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah sorry bro, no disrespect meant at all, just offering a legal opinion. TBH there is a charter argument, but section 7 and vacines is by a large margin the strongest one. Based on what I know about section 7 (minimal, I'm a commercial litigator), I think that this argument would pass. But we have to be careful since the charter essentially fucks conservaatives 98% of the time, so we don't want too much caselaw to strengthen it, know what I mean? You literally have a constitutionally enshrined act that allows racism towards white males. Lets try and get rid of it, rather than strengthen it. We never needed the charter, the BoR covered the field adequately. Some of the most frustrating decisions in Canadian history are due to the charter. Sorry, rant over. Cheers.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha, I spent 30 seconds researching it to see if it was a true story. Shockingly, it was made up. I'm not watching a bullshit pro feminist drama when they litterally need to make up a female chess champion. IT NEVER HAPPENED.

throwaway152 6 points ago +6 / -0

This would be a great oppertunity to spread awareness to just about ANYTHING else.

Right next to the "total covid deaths" display you could start a "Here's how many people died in a car accident this month alone"; here's cancer; here's heart disease. I mean you'd get the point. Even more on point would be the increase in suicide and overdoses.

throwaway152 10 points ago +10 / -0

Lawyer here. This isn't a good post.

First, lets start from the top. You're using section 2 and 7 to absurd levels that may benefit you in this instance, but trust me, you do NOT want that broad use of section 2 (maybe section 2(b) we can leave without limits, but TRUST ME you do not want religions getting more rights under 2(a).

Now your section 2b I(i'm assuming you're not arguing freedom of religion) argument is entirely useless. There's no section 2 argument on any of the items you mentioned.

Section 15 could apply for masks and someone with a disability. That is IT. Section 8 and 9 isn't violated.

Now section 7 you may have something. You could potentially add a section 7 argument to a disabled person (could actually violate both) forced to wear a mask if there are physiological consequences.

So why would manditory vacines violate 2 (retarded) and not section 7 (actually a STRONG section 7 argument)? This makes the entire post clearly written by a half retarded person that has never entered a court room before. Literally your strongest argument by far would be compelled vacines as a s 7 violation. I'd bet that would actually win, yet it's not even on there. Furter, closure of business and churches would potentially violate 7 and 2b respectively.

Everything else is nonsense. But what do I know, I'm just a full time barrister.

throwaway152 9 points ago +9 / -0

I took the virus seriously in Feb-March as well. In April I was largely confused, and by May I thought the whole thing was fucking stupid.

What changed?

The fatality rate going from 8-10% to .02%.

Yet when the evidence suggested that the virus was 8-10%, the government wasn't even willing to make a single fucking travel restriction... EVEN from the source country! Don't ever forget that when you're assessing the genuineness of the governments response.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought 2nd cousins was the gold standard. That way there is a big age gap as well.

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is basically it. You could be worth billions, but if you don't buy her shit, she never becomes "accustomed" to a lifestyle. Yes, this is the test the courts use. It should make you feel sick.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lawyer here. He'll just lose another 300k in legal bills. SCC has covered this. This case dind't break any new ground here. This is not a battle you can win. Family law has been entire taken over by women. 90% of the lawyers and judges are women. I don't do family because it's not real law. The decisions are emotional, and are inconsistent. It's basically a known joke in the legal field.

Further, this isn't even that crazy of a case/judgment. They were together for 14 years, and he fucked up countless times. He could have easily avoided this, but he made these decisions and ought to have known the consequences.

Why am I being so harsh? You guys are missing the best cases lol. There was one case where the guy was earning like 2m a year gross, post divorce his wife got the full table amount for CS and SS, so his income was reduced to about 30% gross. Then because SS isn't tax deductible, he was in a high braccket and paid 50% tax on the remaining 30%. So he was left with 15% of his income. Then you add the section 7 expenses and he's down to like 12%. Then add in legal fees (I know, I'm part of the problem), and he's down to like 8%.

This is why in these cases, EVERY single time, the guy just quits his job, they try and impute income, but you can't get blood from a stone. The bitch ends up selling their mansion and living a pseudo-ghetto life of only having 1-2 mill left over, while the guy is utterly ruined. I'd do the same thing though, since I don't work for 8 cents on the dollar.

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

China doesn't double in population every 30 years. Look to Africa.

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