This is news to me. I'm enjoying the history lesson.
Open everything back up. It's only lazy CERB collectors and union workers who want to keep things closed. Teachers can keep complaining while they continue to have summers off.
If I could upvote this a thousand times I would.
It's almost as if people can afford the Toronto pricing, despite random AskTO threads bitching about rent prices.
Go tell that to India.
Every comment is downvoted in the r/Toronto thread. It's also super quiet. I wonder why that would be?
End these shit handouts yesterday. Don't extend them. Sad!
They just want to pretend that a second wave is coming so that they can stay home longer and beg for more CERB. Get back to work.
Is your gender studies degree considered education?
Whoa, are they from Africa or something?
The fact that you used the word "partner" says a lot. Nice woke wording you got there.
Accurate comment.
Her definition of them being racist is her not getting her way.
I'm surprised you haven't said "yikes" or "we're done here" yet.
I did. I don't commit crimes, let alone violent crimes.
Sure bud. 90% is whitey's fault. Look in the mirror.
The other problem is you can't have a subreddit for non-white fragility, or it'll get banned. I guess we just aren't part of the country club.
Who uses terms like "white fragility" like it's a completely normal thing to say? These people are retarded.
Over-fund the police.
Systemic racism doesn't exist. It's a bullshit excuse so that blacks don't have to claim responsibility for their actions.
Everything perceived to be "white" is racist. Including work ethic and the nuclear family.
White people don't ignore laws and flee when caught. News at 11.
You'd get hit harder.
Except every OGFT user will wear it with pride.