posted ago by flanders ago by flanders +21 / -0

r/Vancouver. Post about the 50,000 (actual number 46 but you can't tell from the reaction) covid deaths over the weekend.

All responses are some variation on "OMG Literally Crying", "DAMN! So sad!" or "I feel sick", and so on.

Of course, a billion upvotes for those comments, and [REMOVED] for those that don't take part in the panic.

So, they're either bots, or just wanting to get many updoots so they write something trite. Apart from that, the usual bashing of those who dare speak out against doctrine, and voila! Your daily fearmongering post.

Just don't tell them how many people die from car accidents, trips and falls, or natural causes!

one more thing: how come nobody ever focuses on the "Recovered" statistics? For this round, it's 21,304.