posted ago by TrudeauIsAsshoe ago by TrudeauIsAsshoe +11 / -0

We need to protest outside of media headquarters. By now we've all seen Rebel's reports of Trudeau's latest treasonous act, and all those at the top will be happy to turn a blind eye to it. Government workers will get their cushy pay cheques no matter what happens, so they have no reason to worry about the small guy.

The media however, is different. The government feeds them, so they do the government's bidding. If we disrupt the media, the effect will be much more widely seen. Even if it doesn't push them to announce the truth immediately, they'd have to start reporting on why their anchors are late for work, or why their ability to report propaganda is being impeded. If we hit the media hard, they're much more likely to crumble than any government official, and it could be a start to getting the truth out to the masses.

People want answers on what to do, and this is it. A compromised media is why we're in the terrible position we're in. Without anyone to hold the government accountable, they can just run wild without worry of facing repercussions We the people then, need to hold the media accountable for not doing their job. An honest media reporting on what's really happening would solve almost every problem this country is facing.