TrudeauIsAsshoe 6 points ago +6 / -0

Everyone I talk to is getting it because they want a return to "normality". They just want to travel or do whatever again so they comply because they think it will allow them to do so. All is going according to the government's plan.

I'm curious what reactions people will have when come winter we're back to square one with full lock downs again. I guess the UK is already getting a taste of that right now with how their reopening is being pushed back despite so many of them being obedient little sheep.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Silencing anyone who disagrees, doing everything under the sun to coerce those who aren't getting it into getting it, lying through their teeth day and night about what's going on. If it looks like shit and smells like shit, it's probably shit.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 5 points ago +5 / -0

But I thought it was "freedumb"? Why would anybody want that? The MSM has taught me that blind compliance is all I need to live a happy life. I will now await further instruction. If I'm good perhaps I will be allowed to hug grandma this week.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Would also love to hear more about the supply chain comment. Thank you for your insight.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 18 points ago +18 / -0

If we give them this, then what won't we give them? I promise to hold my ground until the very end, and fight against any and all vax related restrictions they're inevitably going to push on us. After everything we've come to understand about what's going on behind the scenes, I could never live with myself if I gave in here.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've got a meeting scheduled with the boss in a few days. It's when they're going to find out just how adamant I am about not getting it. Could be riding that unemployment train by the end of the week. But you know what? I've got a good enough head on my shoulders and a skill set to back it up that I could easily scrape together a living wage through just doing online shit if I so desired. So, unlike people who wasted their lives perusing gender studies and now either get vaxed or get axed, I'll be fine either way.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 8 points ago +8 / -0

But I thought the mask was for protecting others? Why do they still need to be baby sat if vaccines work?

TrudeauIsAsshoe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm really excited to see at what point interest drops off. Although I fear that as the intelligence of your average Canadian is pretty low, vax percentages might end up exceeding 70%.

But the whole reason for the push to give everyone their first dose before moving onto the second is because the government doesn't want a repeat of what happened in the United States. In the US, people who were fully vaxed started returning to normal life and the people around them who weren't getting the shots kind of just jumped on board and suddenly everything was opening again regardless of vaccination numbers. The governments up here want to withhold our freedoms from us as long as possible so that we reach a point where we'll do anything to get them back, and the biggest excuse they can find to do that is saying not enough people are fully vaxed yet.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's amazing how much I've thought about the prequel trilogy throughout all of this. I guess George Lucas knew what he was talking about.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 15 points ago +15 / -0

I love how eager people are to do these things which just magically end up being more effective than what the manufacturer recommends. They claimed in the press conference today that waiting 12 weeks before the second shot allows for maximum protection. That's why every other country is waiting that long as well, right?

If it comes out of the mouth of someone on TV then it must be science! And you're not a science denier, are you?

TrudeauIsAsshoe 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not just that, but deaths as a result of delayed surgeries, suicides, etc don't seem to matter in the slightest. But to all the idiots out there, please keep thinking you're a good person for believing locking down perfectly healthy people for years is acceptable.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, if that's what the science says, then it must be true.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not doing it either. The last thing I feel like doing at the moment is giving the fucking government any information about myself. Probably collecting it to see how big the gulags they plan to build should be.

by narf8h1
TrudeauIsAsshoe 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is that a lot of places are taking on this vaxport shit. I've had ideas on where to go, but who's to say they don't become the same eventually? Not just people, but cities, states, countries that don't conform are going to be put under immense pressure. I feel like this is an issue that will eventually plague the entire world if it's not taken care of very, VERY soon. This is why we must refuse to ever give in.

by narf8h1
TrudeauIsAsshoe 13 points ago +13 / -0

The upside is that as people are pushed to two separate sides it will become easier for us to identify and connect with each other. The question is what if anything we'll do with this information. It's coming to a point where there's not much left to lose.

by narf8h1
TrudeauIsAsshoe 29 points ago +29 / -0

It's clear as day why the time between shot 1 and shot 2 for the idiots who decide to take it has been so long. If too many people got "fully vaccinated" ahead of time then those people would begin to push back against restrictions despite no system yet being in place to distinguish between the good sheep who have obeyed and the disgusting dissenters. By making everyone wait and getting a large portion of the population "fully vaccinated" simultaneously, it means there will be many more people ready to jump on the vaxport bandwagon right out of the gate.

This is about to become very ugly. As usual, those who claim to be against segregation are fucking parading it through the streets. How many who claim they won't obey will end up cracking under the pressure? Just what will the pressure even look like? I don't appreciate being threatened, and I'll die before I get this thing, but I hope just this one fucking time we can come together and show the left we're not a bunch of push-over pussies who let them get away with everything.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 7 points ago +7 / -0

Was it ever confirmed that he was sick? Or was he just being his typical fat fuck self and using it as an excuse to spend days shoveling in cheesecakes away from the public eye.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 18 points ago +18 / -0

It's almost like nothing other than good ol' natural herd immunity is going to get us out of this. Hiding and injecting ourselves with experimental mystery shit is only making things worse. But then, this was never about a virus and saving lives, was it?

TrudeauIsAsshoe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate the heads up. You should go public with that, stir up as much shit as possible. Everyone is way to comfortable with all the shit that's currently going on.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 8 points ago +8 / -0

So if this is true you're fucked even if you try to escape Canada. Good luck crossing any borders without muh negative test (which in many destinations still means you have to quarantine after arrival anyway, just proving it's all bullshit).

TrudeauIsAsshoe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly I've wondered about the tests. Like, should I be avoiding those like the plague as well? Thankfully I haven't received one yet, but we certainly seem to have gotten comfortable with the idea of some dirty slob shoving a swab with who knows what on it up our noses.

TrudeauIsAsshoe 6 points ago +6 / -0

So what makes them able to say this today when they couldn't say it yesterday? What the hell testing processes does any of this shit even go through?

There is so much flip-flopping, so much "This wasn't OK yesterday, but now it is today! Another miracle in science!"

If you get a coof shot, YOU. ARE. THE. TEST. SUBJECT. And yet, there are people who just can't comprehend why there is hesitancy to get it. aT lEaSt YoU wOnT dIe WhEn YoU cAtCh A vIrUs WiTh A 99% SuRvIvAl RaTe!!!111


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