posted ago by PhatChewishMale ago by PhatChewishMale +50 / -11

I did not live through NAZISM, I did not have to endure it, and bemoan the unfortunate murder of my ancestors.

Just the same, I am living in the middle of GLAZISM and I hate HATE GLAZIS more then NAZIS because they understand how and why the NAZIS failed, and have the very same goal, clandestinely, they were subversive but are becoming more overt in their plan to dominate the world.

They use the media where the Germans used tanks.
They use academia where the Germans used V2 rockets.
They use corporations where the Germans used battleships.
They use the UN where the Germans used fake diplomacy.

And the list goes on and on and on... Subversive force is better then Overt force. That is the lesson of the NAZIS from a tactical perspective should your goal essentially be the same as theirs.

But the catalyst for me is really easy to understand because I have many good christian friends who I value greatly, and it became increasingly apparent that they are being targeted by both our government and the political left in ways that are racist and wrong in all the same ways that the Germans were wrong to do what they did to Jews.

But the GLAZI seeks more then to de-moralize the strongest races, it seeks to enslave them and create its oligarchical 2 tiered commie world government. We all know that is what is happening, I just do not know why we have not figured out how to resist it properly.

Not all of us jews are filthy globalists. Some of us still want to be comfortable with how we will have to answer to God. Some of us stand with Christians.