I told you before. You need some stats training. You won't get the following from CTV news:
Total covid hospitalizations in almost 2 years of covid: 32,408 out of a population of 14.57 million - .2% (this figure is over-estimated as it is because it includes people in hospital with covid and not because of covid). Theste stats are from the beginning. Omicron is milder and will make the stats much lower going forward..
There's virtually no risk for the general population to be affected by covid, healthwise.
Given what we know, and have known for a long time, old, unhealthy, and fat people will benefit from the vaccine, as they're the ones that end up in hospital. They should definitely take the vaccine, as there is a big benefit to them and to them alone.
Sorry, you must have misunderstood what I said. You needs stats training to interpret the stats that you're posting. None of what you just posted refutes what I said. Do you want to try again?
To add to it, there is a serious problem with hospital capacity in Ontario. That's where the crisis is. Too many people sick at the same time. Vaccinating healthy people against covid won't change that.
I told you before. You need some stats training. You won't get the following from CTV news:
Total covid hospitalizations in almost 2 years of covid: 32,408 out of a population of 14.57 million - .2% (this figure is over-estimated as it is because it includes people in hospital with covid and not because of covid). Theste stats are from the beginning. Omicron is milder and will make the stats much lower going forward..
There's virtually no risk for the general population to be affected by covid, healthwise.
Given what we know, and have known for a long time, old, unhealthy, and fat people will benefit from the vaccine, as they're the ones that end up in hospital. They should definitely take the vaccine, as there is a big benefit to them and to them alone.
I'd like to see you address the hospitalization and ICU stats for Ontario. Unvaxxed people are way over-represented - why is that? https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/ontario-dashboard/
Anyone who wants to can look it up at https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-daily-epi-summary-report.pdf?la=en
Tell that to the people whose surgeries, cancer treatments, etc. are being delayed https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/with-more-than-500-000-fewer-surgeries-due-to-covid-19-delayed-surgeries-cost-some-their-lives-1.5700480
Or the young people with permanent organ damage from covid. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-kidney-damage-caused-by-covid19
Sorry, you must have misunderstood what I said. You needs stats training to interpret the stats that you're posting. None of what you just posted refutes what I said. Do you want to try again?
I'd like to see you address the hospitalization and ICU stats for Ontario. Unvaxxed people are way over-represented - why is that? https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/ontario-dashboard/
I did address it.
To add to it, there is a serious problem with hospital capacity in Ontario. That's where the crisis is. Too many people sick at the same time. Vaccinating healthy people against covid won't change that.