Total new cases: 11,582
Unvaxxed: 1,554
Vaxxed: 9,255
And for the resident propagandists who were crying about the rate per 100 k
Unvaxxed: 57.83
Vaxxed: 81.37
Some of the vaxx whores on Reddit have stopped charting vaccine effectiveness against confirmed case because vaccine effectiveness has been negative for a couple of weeks now. You're more likely to get covid if you're vaccinated. But you go ahead and line up for that booster. Your thumping heart and clotted brain will thank you.
The number of new cases can no longer be counted properly because the Omicron variant travels so fast. All they know for sure is there are way more cases than they can count.
What's important is the load on the healthcare system, and it's crystal clear that your chances of staying out of the hospitals and ICUs is many, many times better if you are vaccinated. Look at the proportions on these graphs:
Those graphs plus lots more information available at this page:
New talking point guys: Don't pay attention to the high number of vaccinated morons who contracted the disease, spread variants all over the western world, and are sending us back into lockdown. They're also killing grandma and the vulnerable.
It's the people showing up at the hospitals that are sending us into lockdown, because the hospitals can only handle so many. And the unvaccinated outnumber the vaccinated - proportionally - maybe five to one in the hospital beds and twenty to one the ICUs.
If they were all vaccinated - and I know some can't be for medical reasons - there would be 9 of them per million in the ICU instead of 135, and 106 per million instead of 532.
Our ragged healthcare workers wouldn't be carrying such a load, and so many elective surgeries wouldn't have to be cancelled.
Right now some people are going to die because they can't get their cancer treated in a timely fashion.
You assume these numbers are real
They’ve lied about literally everything else but the numbers are accurate?
The shots do fuck all but make this situation worse
Children don’t get strokes and heart attacks but here we are
Wake up
Reasonably real. Case counts aren't much use any more but I assume they can count noses in the hospitals. Show me that they aren't real.
Show me where they've lied.
Where do you get your numbers from?
Where do you get your numbers from?