You lied 9 months ago and claimed that the vaccine was “more than 90% effective”
You then lied and said the unvaccinated were more likely to spread Omicron, once again exposing your utter lack of knowledge or ability to explain the mechanism of a leaky vaccine.
Your illiteracy is embarrassing. And your refusal to admit your were lied makes you look deranged.
Here we are, 9 months later. And your claims of >90% efficacy is a fallacy, it is currently negative VE:
The triple vaccinated travelers imported and spread the Omicron virus all over their respective countries, the triple vaccinated are now 80% of severe ICU covid infections and the triple vaccinated are dying off and higher rates than the unvaccinated.
Don't forget folks: V&C1 is passing on the messages from the voices in their head. They don't feel the need to back up anything they say with anything from the real world. They expect you to just believe whatever they say.
I notice when you are presented with facts that you are unable to explain and you lack the intelligence to reply, you resort to using one of three choices:
“bla bla bla,”
“Russian bot” accusations , and
“you have voices in your head”; and my favorite is when you just give up and reply:
”why bother, I’m not going to answer” Translation: (“I have no ability and no argument”)
All you have is Mainstream Regurgitated words, that are not even your own lol Your inability to articule an argument or sound literate is painfully obvious.
The whole forum sees you for the uneducated propagandist you are. Keep posting. With each lie you post, Im able to persuade more and more lurkers
This is a straight up admission that you don’t have the cognitive ability to understand anything other than a printed headline.
Everyone here knows you don’t have the education or the knowledge to understand the subject matter you post, it was funny seeing you trying to reply to Chazzle, he owned you. He was using 100% mathematics and it went way over your head.
You’re even too dumb to realize how embarrassing of an own that Chazzle thread was for you. Chazzle understood ARR. and you simply replied with a mathematically impossible falsehood, you still don’t understand why you got it wrong
"Vaccination status
Number of COVID-19
cases (12+)
Percent of all COVID19 cases (12+)
Percent of population
Completed primary
series 481,760 38% 78.7%
Partially vaccinated 49,895 3.9% 5.4%
Unvaccinated 737,441 58.1% 15.9%
COVID-19 hospitalizations from February 01, 2021 - May 24, 2022
Vaccination status Number of COVID-19
hospitalizations (12+)
Percent of all COVID19 hospitalizations
Percent of population
Completed primary
series 11,989 27.3% 78.6%
Partially vaccinated 2,176 4.9% 5.4%
Unvaccinated 29,811 67.8% 15.9%
COVID-19 deaths from February 01, 2021 - May 10, 2022
Vaccination status Number of COVID-19
deaths (12+)
Percent of all COVID19 deaths (12+)
Percent of population
Completed primary
series 2,248 28.8% 78.5%
Partially vaccinated 389 5% 5.4%
Unvaccinated 5,163 66.2% 16.1%"
You're a god damn fucking inbred piece of shit trying to convince people to kill themselves. cease breathing. delete your account. face the truth; YOU were lied to. And for some reason you're on a crusade to misinform your own followers into an early grave. You're probably vaxxed and boosted yourself you hypocrate I bet your ruSSia highercucks probably mandate it because they know you'll probably fucking die without it.
The fact you’re refusing to follow your own experts and still refusing to get injected with a third dose of mRNA speaks way louder than anything I could ever post on this board.
No one believes your science. Because everyone hates being lied to.
Imagine risking your heart to not catch a cold, and getting the cold and the heart disease anyway,
The unvaccinated still have zero chance of getting vaccine induced myocarditis, zero chance of vaccine induced facial paralysis, vaccine induced blood clots or vaccine induced sudden Adult Death Syndrome. If the unvaccinated aren’t fat or old, they have a 99.97% survival rate.
Look at the ICU occupation rates, MAJORITY % of Covid infections got TRIPLE VACCINATED against Covid. Majority of Covid Death are Triple vaccinated.
With these facts, you will be unable to persuade the vaccinated that they were not lied to and taken for fools. Go get you 3rd & 4th BOOSTER u/urallfucked!! Trudeau will be forcing you to get 5th and 6th soon, then he’ll force you to submit to government experimental mRNA monkey pox and experimental mRNA AIDS vaccines. That’s four to eight mRNA forced vaccines per year . Pfizer and Murderna already cashed Trudeaus checks, no refunds!
u/tuchodi, the government mRNA AIDS and mRNA monkey pox vaccines are being experimented on as we speak, and in a few months, forced and mandated into the gullible population. Be sure to submit to those forced AIDS and Monkeypox Murderna injections too!!
You lied 9 months ago and claimed that the vaccine was “more than 90% effective”
You then lied and said the unvaccinated were more likely to spread Omicron, once again exposing your utter lack of knowledge or ability to explain the mechanism of a leaky vaccine.
Your illiteracy is embarrassing. And your refusal to admit your were lied makes you look deranged.
Here we are, 9 months later. And your claims of >90% efficacy is a fallacy, it is currently negative VE:
The triple vaccinated travelers imported and spread the Omicron virus all over their respective countries, the triple vaccinated are now 80% of severe ICU covid infections and the triple vaccinated are dying off and higher rates than the unvaccinated.
Blah blah unsupported blah.
Don't forget folks: V&C1 is passing on the messages from the voices in their head. They don't feel the need to back up anything they say with anything from the real world. They expect you to just believe whatever they say.
I notice when you are presented with facts that you are unable to explain and you lack the intelligence to reply, you resort to using one of three choices:
“bla bla bla,”
“Russian bot” accusations , and
“you have voices in your head”; and my favorite is when you just give up and reply:
”why bother, I’m not going to answer” Translation: (“I have no ability and no argument”)
All you have is Mainstream Regurgitated words, that are not even your own lol Your inability to articule an argument or sound literate is painfully obvious.
The whole forum sees you for the uneducated propagandist you are. Keep posting. With each lie you post, Im able to persuade more and more lurkers
I haven't noticed you presenting any facts. Just 99% personal opinions and 1% misunderstood links.
This is a straight up admission that you don’t have the cognitive ability to understand anything other than a printed headline.
Everyone here knows you don’t have the education or the knowledge to understand the subject matter you post, it was funny seeing you trying to reply to Chazzle, he owned you. He was using 100% mathematics and it went way over your head.
You’re even too dumb to realize how embarrassing of an own that Chazzle thread was for you. Chazzle understood ARR. and you simply replied with a mathematically impossible falsehood, you still don’t understand why you got it wrong
Still unable to even write my name Tuchodi? Funny how u/urallfucked has the same problem.
You that triggered by an objective fact: the Vaccinated are Contagious, Tuchodi.
And every time I make you reply to my user name, which is everyday, that fact sinks in further into your subconscious.
The vaccinated are contagious. You got fooled.
"Vaccination status Number of COVID-19 cases (12+) Percent of all COVID19 cases (12+) Percent of population (12+) Completed primary series 481,760 38% 78.7% Partially vaccinated 49,895 3.9% 5.4% Unvaccinated 737,441 58.1% 15.9% COVID-19 hospitalizations from February 01, 2021 - May 24, 2022 Vaccination status Number of COVID-19 hospitalizations (12+) Percent of all COVID19 hospitalizations (12+) Percent of population (12+) Completed primary series 11,989 27.3% 78.6% Partially vaccinated 2,176 4.9% 5.4% Unvaccinated 29,811 67.8% 15.9% COVID-19 deaths from February 01, 2021 - May 10, 2022 Vaccination status Number of COVID-19 deaths (12+) Percent of all COVID19 deaths (12+) Percent of population (12+) Completed primary series 2,248 28.8% 78.5% Partially vaccinated 389 5% 5.4% Unvaccinated 5,163 66.2% 16.1%"
You're a god damn fucking inbred piece of shit trying to convince people to kill themselves. cease breathing. delete your account. face the truth; YOU were lied to. And for some reason you're on a crusade to misinform your own followers into an early grave. You're probably vaxxed and boosted yourself you hypocrate I bet your ruSSia highercucks probably mandate it because they know you'll probably fucking die without it.
The fact you’re refusing to follow your own experts and still refusing to get injected with a third dose of mRNA speaks way louder than anything I could ever post on this board.
No one believes your science. Because everyone hates being lied to.
Imagine risking your heart to not catch a cold, and getting the cold and the heart disease anyway,
The unvaccinated still have zero chance of getting vaccine induced myocarditis, zero chance of vaccine induced facial paralysis, vaccine induced blood clots or vaccine induced sudden Adult Death Syndrome. If the unvaccinated aren’t fat or old, they have a 99.97% survival rate.
Look at the ICU occupation rates, MAJORITY % of Covid infections got TRIPLE VACCINATED against Covid. Majority of Covid Death are Triple vaccinated.
With these facts, you will be unable to persuade the vaccinated that they were not lied to and taken for fools. Go get you 3rd & 4th BOOSTER u/urallfucked!! Trudeau will be forcing you to get 5th and 6th soon, then he’ll force you to submit to government experimental mRNA monkey pox and experimental mRNA AIDS vaccines. That’s four to eight mRNA forced vaccines per year . Pfizer and Murderna already cashed Trudeaus checks, no refunds!
u/tuchodi, the government mRNA AIDS and mRNA monkey pox vaccines are being experimented on as we speak, and in a few months, forced and mandated into the gullible population. Be sure to submit to those forced AIDS and Monkeypox Murderna injections too!!
Why V&C1? Why not just V&C? Did you get banned?
The name is VaxedAndContagious. Let it sink in Tuchodi.
every single time I make you reply to me. It sinks in further. You got played.