oh they do? lasting, severe shit that doesn't go away and happens consistently? Not based off self report wiki data that could be misreported on purpose because some people have an agenda and giving false data is a time honoured anti vax tactic?
You're saying there's a peer reviewed, double blind study with a meaningful R value has come out? That same study weighs the risks of the side effects vs rawdogging the 'rona when your body doesn't know that viruses can look like crowns - and says "yeah you'll probably be fine I mean it's mutated like several times and can keep doing that but like, I'm sure your good ol' immune system will catch on quickly and those little friendly crown guys will be visited by The Compliment before it can mutate several thousand or million or billion times."
oh they do? lasting, severe shit that doesn't go away and happens consistently? Not based off self report wiki data that could be misreported on purpose because some people have an agenda and giving false data is a time honoured anti vax tactic?
You're saying there's a peer reviewed, double blind study with a meaningful R value has come out? That same study weighs the risks of the side effects vs rawdogging the 'rona when your body doesn't know that viruses can look like crowns - and says "yeah you'll probably be fine I mean it's mutated like several times and can keep doing that but like, I'm sure your good ol' immune system will catch on quickly and those little friendly crown guys will be visited by The Compliment before it can mutate several thousand or million or billion times." 1 2 4 8 16
32 64 128 256 512
1024 2048 4096 8192 16,384
34,768 65,536 131,072 262,141 524,288
1,048,576 2,097,152 4,194,304 8,388,608 16,777,216
33,554,432 67,108,864 134,217,728 268,435,456 536,870,921
1,073,741,824 2,147,483,648 4,294,967,296 8,589,934,592 17,179,869,184
only 6 more and we get to add another cooommaaa
word on the street is this new strain replicates 70x faster than delta. Makes ya think. Doesn't it.
Then again, I'm talking to a soulless vessil motivated only by the desire to kill and shill.
But maybe.. rhyme can reach you.. please beatbox while you read this following poem, which is written from the inner self aware MC inside of you.
"V to the C don't forget the 1
When I smoke a sucka I don't need a gun
All I need is some cherries, picked for thee
Stripped of all context, professional commentary
Swallow'm whole and you'll be special; for a limited time only.
This tune and dance has been done before
It's felled many since and it will fell many more
But there's no scene, no guns, no gore.
Just propaganda and fools, we call em r/HermainCainAward
There you'll see many kindred souls.
Twisted and misguided from malicious goals.
Propaganda memes yeah you know the ones.
The ones that come from me; Vaccinating minds."