Africans are younger. Average age is 19 compared to 38 in the US.
There are fewer old people: 3% are over 65, compared to 16% in the US.
Africans spend more time outdoors.
Low population density in many areas.
Limited public transportation infrastructure.
Recent experience with Ebola has made people cautious.
Testing equipment for the virus is minimal, and excess mortality figures match covid deaths elsewhere.
"A research team he led found that during Zambia’s Delta wave, 87 percent of bodies in hospital morgues were infected with Covid. “The morgue was full. Nothing else is different — what is different is that we just have very poor data.”"
Trigggggggered by the fact Haiti has the LOWEST VACCINATION RATE and the LOWEST COVID DEATH RATE
“African spend more times outdoor”
So the fat Covid Nazi is now admitting locking down beaches and locking down healthy people preventing them from going outdoors increases Covid infection rates.
Californians and Australians “spend as much time outdoor ” but they have high booster rates and EXTREMELY HIGH DEATH RATES.
WITH EACH BOOSTER, A COVID WAVE FOLLOWED. Haiti did not even experience a second wave
Keep seething Triple Vaxed Fat Covid Nazi. And Recharge your immune with mRNA every 90 days. Follow your lying experts!
Folks you would be well advised to read the article for yourself, rather than accepting V&C1's interpretation of it. The answers are right there:
Africans are younger. Average age is 19 compared to 38 in the US.
There are fewer old people: 3% are over 65, compared to 16% in the US.
Africans spend more time outdoors.
Low population density in many areas.
Limited public transportation infrastructure.
Recent experience with Ebola has made people cautious.
Testing equipment for the virus is minimal, and excess mortality figures match covid deaths elsewhere.
"A research team he led found that during Zambia’s Delta wave, 87 percent of bodies in hospital morgues were infected with Covid. “The morgue was full. Nothing else is different — what is different is that we just have very poor data.”"
Both. They had double protection. Plus additional protection from having a very young population less prone to complications.
Simple... nobody was injected with poison.
Some people are still mystified
The answers are in the article:
Africans are younger. Average age is 19 compared to 38 in the US.
There are fewer old people: 3% are over 65, compared to 16% in the US.
Africans spend more time outdoors.
Low population density in many areas.
Limited public transportation infrastructure.
Recent experience with Ebola has made people cautious.
Testing equipment for the virus is minimal, and excess mortality figures match covid deaths elsewhere.
"A research team he led found that during Zambia’s Delta wave, 87 percent of bodies in hospital morgues were infected with Covid. “The morgue was full. Nothing else is different — what is different is that we just have very poor data.”"
And so forth. It's all in the article.
Trigggggggered by the fact Haiti has the LOWEST VACCINATION RATE and the LOWEST COVID DEATH RATE
“African spend more times outdoor”
So the fat Covid Nazi is now admitting locking down beaches and locking down healthy people preventing them from going outdoors increases Covid infection rates.
Californians and Australians “spend as much time outdoor ” but they have high booster rates and EXTREMELY HIGH DEATH RATES.
WITH EACH BOOSTER, A COVID WAVE FOLLOWED. Haiti did not even experience a second wave
Keep seething Triple Vaxed Fat Covid Nazi. And Recharge your immune with mRNA every 90 days. Follow your lying experts!
Folks you would be well advised to read the article for yourself, rather than accepting V&C1's interpretation of it. The answers are right there:
Africans are younger. Average age is 19 compared to 38 in the US.
There are fewer old people: 3% are over 65, compared to 16% in the US.
Africans spend more time outdoors.
Low population density in many areas.
Limited public transportation infrastructure.
Recent experience with Ebola has made people cautious.
Testing equipment for the virus is minimal, and excess mortality figures match covid deaths elsewhere.
"A research team he led found that during Zambia’s Delta wave, 87 percent of bodies in hospital morgues were infected with Covid. “The morgue was full. Nothing else is different — what is different is that we just have very poor data.”"
And so forth. It's all in the article.
The world is complex, and it doesn't care that you can only handle simple.
Your personal feelings are worthless.
You share them way too much, no one cares what a fat Covid Nazi feels.
Yours too. It doesn't seem to slow you down though, does it?
REEEEEEEE How dare you bring up facts that trigger a Fat Covid Nazi. Reeee
Why don’t you post another lie from your CDC lying experts. Oh wait just post another SNOPES article.
Better yet, just get BOOSTED with murderna soon and often, you’ll make all of us here so happy!!