We need Pollievre to start saying this too. You can say its conspiracy fair enough, but the point of Canada having dominion over its own sovereignty not some un-elected/ unelectable shadowy oversees organization is absolutely sound and worth reinforcement. I love the man but this is a distinction he will need to make or its going to eventually cost him the election-- especially if he will not stand by Smith after she makes it, makes his intentions suspicious despite leftist tantrum
She apologized to the unvaccinated too not that she owed anyone one-- more gestures of goodwill and unity than I have seen from ANY politician over all of recent memory let alone covid nonsense
He stayed silent right up until he detected an easy win denouncing Trudeau for conflating everyone at the protest with the guy waving the nazi flag. He might have inadvertently been the cause of things getting extended out till June because, Trudeau being the opportunistic piece of shit that he is, decided that he could conflate the CPC with that guy waving the nazi flag. Then ending mandates became a CPC cause and the CPC can never be right, so even the NDP group pushing for an end to mandates ended up voting 100% to continue them at every opportunity. To show PP and the CPC.
Pierre has been nothing but opportunistic. It's just he's our opportunist now and he's made his bed. If mandates return, PP inherits anti-mandate centrists. Trudeau doesn't want that. Because he's an opportunistic piece of shit and there's no opportunity in mandates now. A consolation prize for PP probably costing us 2 extra months of travel ban. Probably also the federal employment ban continuation too.
IMO, today, PP is a good thing. He's a bannerman for anti-mandate people who are too chicken shit to be seen with the People's Party.
Lol it's not a conspiracy, they outright tell you that they want you deprived of your property, they want you to be beholden to an elite class of capitalists who adhere to a code they made up based on stakeholder capitalism. Conspiracy would imply that they're trying to hide it.
We need Pollievre to start saying this too. You can say its conspiracy fair enough, but the point of Canada having dominion over its own sovereignty not some un-elected/ unelectable shadowy oversees organization is absolutely sound and worth reinforcement. I love the man but this is a distinction he will need to make or its going to eventually cost him the election-- especially if he will not stand by Smith after she makes it, makes his intentions suspicious despite leftist tantrum
She apologized to the unvaccinated too not that she owed anyone one-- more gestures of goodwill and unity than I have seen from ANY politician over all of recent memory let alone covid nonsense
He stayed silent right up until he detected an easy win denouncing Trudeau for conflating everyone at the protest with the guy waving the nazi flag. He might have inadvertently been the cause of things getting extended out till June because, Trudeau being the opportunistic piece of shit that he is, decided that he could conflate the CPC with that guy waving the nazi flag. Then ending mandates became a CPC cause and the CPC can never be right, so even the NDP group pushing for an end to mandates ended up voting 100% to continue them at every opportunity. To show PP and the CPC.
Pierre has been nothing but opportunistic. It's just he's our opportunist now and he's made his bed. If mandates return, PP inherits anti-mandate centrists. Trudeau doesn't want that. Because he's an opportunistic piece of shit and there's no opportunity in mandates now. A consolation prize for PP probably costing us 2 extra months of travel ban. Probably also the federal employment ban continuation too.
IMO, today, PP is a good thing. He's a bannerman for anti-mandate people who are too chicken shit to be seen with the People's Party.
Lol it's not a conspiracy, they outright tell you that they want you deprived of your property, they want you to be beholden to an elite class of capitalists who adhere to a code they made up based on stakeholder capitalism. Conspiracy would imply that they're trying to hide it.