Confidently incorrect again folks. I'm suggesting you get your medical advice from medical experts, not anonymous people on social media.
Especially not from anonymous loose cannons like the V&C1 committee, Check out their post history - you can tell when they change shifts and the new one sits down at the keyboard.
Your opinion as a fat, triple vaxed, contagious, uneducated mechanic is noted.
As an obese boomer, you are scientifically proven to be a Covid Super Spreader.
I wonder if she snorts her nattokinase or injects it folks.
Or just laps it up straight out of the petri dish.
Remember folks Tuchodi is a fat boomer and uneducated mechanic telling strangers to inject an experimental drug with no long term data
Confidently incorrect again folks. I'm suggesting you get your medical advice from medical experts, not anonymous people on social media.
Especially not from anonymous loose cannons like the V&C1 committee, Check out their post history - you can tell when they change shifts and the new one sits down at the keyboard.