You become a literal joke when you spew the propaganda about ivermectin being horse paste. Ivermectin is a human drug used safely by millions of humans. Like most human drugs it can also have veterinary use. By your logic, penicillin is a horse med. It was labelled horse paste because it was a clever NLP method of shaping pyblic opinion against it. But the sheer dishonesty of this tactic should make you question what you have been told.
For your own sake. Purge yourself of the tuchidiocy that infects your mind.
Simple test to tell if what you have is horse paste. If your buddies recommend you get it from a feed store and it's apple flavoured, it's formulated for horses, and the standards are much lower than that which is intended for human consumption.
Tuchidiocy sure has a high body count.
Sure does.
Young and healthy until they bent over.
Obesity and idiocy = Tuchidiocy
Almost non-existent compared to the virus.
still linking the Bill Gates website
I forgot the impostor is afraid of Gates, even though he's only one of well over a thousand who donate, and his foundation's funds are unrestricted.
seven milion
seven milion
seven milion
Positive swabs are not a cause of death.
Peak Tuchidiocy
I believe positive swab is a cause of death.
Iām a proud brainwashed tuchidiot in my Trump Derangement Cult
"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." - Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski
"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence" - Christopher Hitchens
You should probably show the folks some proof.
Peak Tuchidiocy is bending over, grabbing your ankles and complying with forced Bill Gates injections
Oh look!
The impostor can make fake quotes!
Isn't she clever?
Give her some upvotes folks.
That'd actually be fascism, you'll find. the fascist right already sacrificed their sick to the virus by promoting anti vax take horse paste approach that only the stupid took literally. One cull deep and you're still a sucker
You become a literal joke when you spew the propaganda about ivermectin being horse paste. Ivermectin is a human drug used safely by millions of humans. Like most human drugs it can also have veterinary use. By your logic, penicillin is a horse med. It was labelled horse paste because it was a clever NLP method of shaping pyblic opinion against it. But the sheer dishonesty of this tactic should make you question what you have been told.
For your own sake. Purge yourself of the tuchidiocy that infects your mind.
Simple test to tell if what you have is horse paste. If your buddies recommend you get it from a feed store and it's apple flavoured, it's formulated for horses, and the standards are much lower than that which is intended for human consumption.
"Incidence is extremely low. Risk of death and serious outcomes of COVID-19, including thrombosis, far outweigh risk of VITT possibly associated with highly efficacious vaccines.'
"Fifty years ago, when an estimated 2 million or more cases of whooping cough with 7,000 deaths occurred annually in the United States, little attention was paid to the rare infant who displayed severe symptoms following inoculation with the newly developed vaccine."
At its peak in Jan. 2021 covid was killing 25,000 people per week in the US.
Anyone who expects any vaccine to be perfect is gonna have a hard time.
"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." - Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski
"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence" - Christopher Hitchens
You should probably show the folks some proof.
What a joke you have become.
She can yuk it up all she wants folks.
"Folks." My God you are a program.
Nobody believes those fake government stats.
Positive swabs are not a cause of death.
Peak Tuchidiocy
Fixed that for you.