Third, the timing is uncanny. This is the part about which ‘debunkers’ intentionally mislead readers. Justin Trudeau was born on Christmas day, 1971. In order for his father to be Fidel Castro, his mother would have to be somewhere close to Cuba in March and April 1971.
She was.
In April 1971, the Trudeaus took a long “second honeymoon” all around the Caribbean. According to Wikipedia, they visited one island they declined to disclose. It is the only island they did not disclose.
Do we know what his size was as a baby? I mean if he was born at 10lbs, we can probably rule it out. 8lbs, unlikely. If he was born at 6lbs, that is STRONG fucking evidence.
It's not often misdiagnosed by an actual psychiatrist, but you'll find that 98% of people with borderline will say they have bipolar because enough people have negative associations with borderlines.
Canada is a banana republic ruled by the illegitimate bastard child of a Cuban dictator. Noice
As my Grandmother once said to one of my uncles.
"That's not my Grandchild you stupid fuck"
As it turns out she was right...
Holy shit. I didn't know that.
Do we know what his size was as a baby? I mean if he was born at 10lbs, we can probably rule it out. 8lbs, unlikely. If he was born at 6lbs, that is STRONG fucking evidence.
It's not often misdiagnosed by an actual psychiatrist, but you'll find that 98% of people with borderline will say they have bipolar because enough people have negative associations with borderlines.