BeThePatriarchy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’d like to hear you make some actual points; offer a counter-argument, or something. Because you’ve had nothing but ad-hominem in literally every single comment I’ve ever seen by you.

BeThePatriarchy 3 points ago +3 / -0

The thing is; this actually is probably true psychologically. Authoritarians would need to have leadership qualities and be able to think for themselves. Those are not actually bad qualities; they’re good. Obviously using those qualities to become an authoritarian or a tyrant is bad, but the qualities themselves are good things.

But it’s funny how of course it has that intentional negative spin on it; they could have simply said “leadership” qualities, but they chose to use the word “authoritarian” as a circle jerk to hate anti maskers.

It would be like opening with “Bob has the qualities of famous psychopaths and serial killers that seduce women.” When in reality Bob is just good looking and charming. Yes, A lot of famous serial killers such as Ted Bundy were actually good looking and charming too. It’s a classic logical fallacy; death by association.

Simpler example: Hitler liked Beethoven, anti maskers seem to like Beethoven too! ANTIMASKERS = HITLER!
Just funny how low IQ the point they’re making actually is when you break it down. And all these redditors see themselves as intellectual and objective-thinking scientists. Sad.

BeThePatriarchy 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point is, people need to stand up and refuse it or else it WILL become mandatory. If your mantra is “I refuse to get it until my employer asks me”, then reality is they’re going to be just like masks; where 99.9% of people wear them In Canadian cities even though maybe 20% would choose not to if they weren’t mandatory.

With vaccines we have a chance to do something different, and as getting a vaccine is indeed a lot more dangerous and invasive than wearing a mask, then we really do need to make this the hill we die on. Employers will have to give up on trying to make vaccines mandatory if every 2nd or 3rd person says no. But if all it takes is for them to merely ASK you once, and you’ll do it, then you’re no effectively different than the mask nazis and they will get their way.

If we all stand up against the bullying immediately when it comes we won’t even end up losing our jobs. They wont fire 50% of their staff. But it’s starts with you

BeThePatriarchy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I said the same thing at the time. Literally told my friend “they just made this their new trump. They rant about trump for 3 1/2 years, they start getting bored of it and this is the new thing. It’s the exact same voice screaming that trump is a racist now screaming about covid.” I wasn’t exactly dead on about how pre-planned this all was but I still knew it was BS

BeThePatriarchy 13 points ago +13 / -0

If we all fight this to the bitter end, they will fail to make vaccines truly mandatory. It won’t be like masks; we’re ready this time and the stakes are much higher. Vaccines are the hill I will die on and I know most people have decided the same thing. Power in numbers.

BeThePatriarchy 11 points ago +11 / -0

Totally agree. I think the by far weakest link in the chain was the decline and ultimate extreme lack of strong traditionally masculine men. THAT lacking of men in itself, has been what left an open gateway that has allowed EVERYTHING else to come in; the lgbtq nonsense, feminism, relativism, de-sanctification of sex and the family, The cultural loss of respect and awe of the Lord, you name it. None of these things could have come to pass were there a culture full of strong men; the leaders of their families, being anchors in society upholding all that is good and holy, and having clear discernment of evil. (No misplaced compassion). It’s a great tragedy but thankfully it’s clear how to fix it; starting with ourselves as men today. Raise a strong conservative, BIG family, based in the truth and unashamed of it. Call evil out for what it is and fight against it; never give up. The world needs strong men to save it even though to be honest at times it doesn’t seem worth saving with the present culture. But when I think of kids today growing up In this hellhole, forced to wear masks, told stories in kindergarten about trans rights and “Johnny has two fathers” bs, it makes my blood boil. THAT is our cause. Fight for the kids and the few brothers/patriots out there, as well as the women who are worthy and need men on guard for them.

BeThePatriarchy 8 points ago +8 / -0

The reality is that though there are so many weak, vitamin-D deprived self-victimizing people out there, a stupid cold (which this virus is) STILL doesn’t pose a threat in reality. The thing is, 50% of people are willfully doing the bidding of the elites for their own slice of the pie, using covid as an excuse to push this global reset crap with full knowledgeable intent that it’s bs, (hence all the most strict politicians being caught not wearing masks at their own functions when they think nobody’s filming). Then the other half of people, whom I honestly have LESS respect for, are just everyday joe’s and jenna’s that have no critical thinking or common sense, very agreeable and wanting to fit in, and also so risk-averse and scared and weak that they’ll do ANYTHING the big daddy government tells them and never consider otherwise no matter how crazy the command.

BeThePatriarchy 6 points ago +6 / -0

They can’t control the flu, but that was never the intention anyway. Because they certainly have shown that they CAN control the people.

by raki
BeThePatriarchy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bro I’m dead serious if it were me I’d refuse to go and say fine throw me in jail the . I’ve read the stories of those isolation camps and it’s worse than any prison. Plus it’s actually a chance to do a courageous thing and kind of expose the real colours of this government. Would probably make a great news story and maybe even red pill a lot of people if it’s seen that Trudeau is literally throwing healthy people in jail now for not complying.