Damn I must admit that was savage responses to that fuckery. It looks like Rebel is thankfully gaining enough traction and power to influence things and it looks like they’re worried about that. Unfortunately for blackface, he gave up his rights when you become a public figure. Any public figure deserves to be scrutinized to the highest regard and be made out to the garbage being they really are. Libranos is quite fitting now.
Some elderly are so fucking resilient it’s retarded. It’s as if no one realizes that many elderly have strokes and heart conditions that affect them a lot more regularly than some stupid flu. With the amount of heart attacks my Grandma has been through and survived she’d probably walk out of COVID unscathed.
Had to take a fluff class in college because “requirements to graduate”. We had a topic about this issue. This Muslim professor asked the question about who are amongst the highest for suicide rates. Answers trickled in, natives blacks, women. He finally mentions white males and the class is just dead quiet. It took some fasting fuck (not even white btw some Ethiopian fuck) CAMH needs to rot. They’re dead to this country.
“he figured he met the threshold since his gross income for 2019 was above $5,000, as the CRA agent told him. Eligibility is, in fact, based on net income.”
"I called them and I made sure that I [did] the work that I need to do to make sure I'm eligible for it," Coucopoulos said.
So he didn’t make enough income? Ffs if it’s below 5000 youre fucked bud
yet he thought making below 5000 = receive 12000? Anyways CRA is 100% at fault. They never even really talked about CESB much until the summer. By that I mean the government lapdog MSM never educated us so now we get education letters for it. R e k t.
The point Is, importing coronavirus cases but then screaming lockdown is like rubbing acid on your burn? You think these are people just going to the US? These are middle eastern fucks, Chinese, Indians all of them with cases and those coming here to live permanently.
“Our current system of voting is insane and needs to be modernized,” said Liberal MP Kevin Lamoureux. “What does not have a lot of value is having 500 votes on the same bill and all the vote results are identical.”
Highlight of the article.
Your vote doesn’t matter, never did.