Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

She was physically and verbally abusing

Guess its his word against hers folks. No way to know the real situation folks. Dont trust anonymous retard communists interpretations at face value folks

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

And if you staple wings to his back he may fly that doesnt make him a bird.

Again: Can a man get pregnant?

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since you decided to comment about me something relating to this even though I never mentioned it I'll come by and leave this:

If this is the best you have, its no wonder the left is getting desperate and needs to actually cheat by removing him from ballots in order to stand a shot at winning anything

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thomas Massie would probably know Im sure he's dealt with any number of lobbyist for various interests. Politicians are beholden to the law and the rules of the nation for which they stand and are very easily bribed- we see it all the time in their endorsements and laws the push. Im not going to pretend he wouldnt have taken some of his own during his career (inb4 ONLY REPUBLICANS TAKE BRIBES REEEE)

Doctors and scientists certainly can be too and they arent beholden to anything but the policy of the institution they work for and making sure whatever group is funding it stays happy--- And therein lies the rub dont it

Its actually an old joke just how easily doctors can be bribed to push forward specific medicines. Lampooned in plenty of shows from family guy to scrubs. Guess thats only news to some people

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh no teh measles

get your booster

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another special snowflake imposter post- boy you make them a lot dont you. But I like my replies on the other one better

noticed your bf doesnt come by to back you up as much as you do for him. I guess that makes you the bitch afterall

Canaderp 3 points ago +3 / -0

The mask must make it difficult to taste the fine leather of the regimes boots

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay now tell me how the covid vaccines and vaccines for measles, mumps and polio are identical. Please compare and contrast their safety tests and how they arrived at scheduling.

Kindly point to any laws made around measles mumps or polio (All 3- means three chances, motherfucker) that made the unavoidable to take if you're a young child. Which ones passed safety tests, which ones passed only because of emergency authorization

Then lets check how profitable each of the 4 has been. Dont try to be tuchodi you fucking lump.

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh noes- Orange man bad yall

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

The regime MUST be defended even when the topic isnt related

another +$0.25 towards your funeral costs- those actors who will be pretending to be your friends and family arent going to pay themselves

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Merry Christmas Bannon

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Confirmation it has nothing to do with health but only obedience. People like chode were screaming about healthcare being a human right before this, and surely will again after this- never once realizing the irony.

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Confirmation it has nothing to do with health but only obedience. People like chode were screaming about healthcare being a human right before this, and surely will again after this- never once realizing the irony.

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Confirmation it has nothing to do with health but only obedience. People like chode were screaming about healthcare being a human right before this, and surely will again after this- never once realizing the irony.

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Confirmation it has nothing to do with health but only obedience. People like chode were screaming about healthcare being a human right before this, and surely will again after this- never once realizing the irony.

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dont forget overtime, the poor dear was posting on Christmas Day instead of being with whatever family is left that can stand his presence than longer than 5 minutes

Guess the twist is there arent any 'folks'

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

You both saw and commented on it. Dont lie now

You said there were no links but you provided no counter arguements. Considering how link-spammy you are for fine details can we assume you couldnt fine anyone to make your arguments for you this time?

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