Canaderp 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obvious conflicts of interest dont count- you have to take it because all these guys that get paid to agree with eachother agreed with eachother

Canaderp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely nowhere to be found.

You saw discarded masks all over but never one infections waste bin. Not even in residences or commercial buildings

But no, so deadly, so long

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not arguing about being garbage

Yeah it was a separate thought. Related-ish. Glad you feel seen trashman

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ive seen you defend pedophiles many times. you dont need to index it for me champ

Canaderp 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Because Homer Simpson didn't go to medical school I don't have to listen to all the people that did."

Is that you? I dont think so bucko. You have no medical degrees to speak of. Meaning I and everyone else can freely ignore anything you suggest.

Happy to repeat this extremely obvious concept as many times as needed for your dumbass

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Because Homer Simpson didn't go to medical school I don't have to listen to all the people that did."

Is that you? I dont think so bucko. You have no medical degrees to speak of. Meaning I and everyone else can freely ignore anything you suggest.

Happy to repeat this extremely obvious concept as many times as needed for your dumbass

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should spend some time with Mr̵s̵ ̵P̵i̵n̵c̵u̵s̵h̵i̵o̵n̵ Pincushion Jr and Pinchushina while you still have time left

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Homer Simpson and yourself both went to the same pretend medical school. Your opinions can be weighted the same

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go home doggydawg you're drunk.

And merry christmas

Canaderp 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think mine is more clear about who the real urallfucked is https://communities.win/c/OmegaCanada/p/17s5IGs17p/where-you-find-one/c

The other link is you saying Bannonmeharder gets his medical opinions from homer simpson. Id point out your qualifications in medicine match Mr Simpsons perfectly thus both your opinions can be weighted the same

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tuchodi for his faults isnt dumb enough to actually post in this thread (yet)

How do you know Im talking about you? maybe Im talking about xXxTeH iMpOsT0RxXx (thunder claps and gasps from the crowd-- I assume this is what chode pictures everytime he says it)

Canaderp 4 points ago +4 / -0

Make sure the cape matches your helmet

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

its super de duper triple fudge obvious where the pedos come from folky folk folkel folk folks

Think before you type. It wont save us from your retardation but at least you'll be clear. And maybe whataboutisms that make you look like you defend pedophilia (assume you dont want to come of as doing that)

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong. Like you are with everything you've ever attempted.

You made it political and questionable by putting forward an unsourced tweet that just so happened to label republicans and make sure to mention 0 drag queens. You put forward a faulty and obviously biased image to provoke. And you say the source was easy to find- you could have posted it. You didnt. You didnt even cite this tweet when I called you on it you posted the news story--- like you should have done in the beginning to have any claim to a point whatsoever.

You're a moronic buffoon of the highest order Its why I made you the lapdog in the picture.

Roll out your tongue and mash the keyboard for your next reply now. Or do you have more pedophiles to defend in other posts you shitclown

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

frame all leftists

technically no, just you. I dont think you even know your own politics

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doesnt argue that they think it should be ignored because of arbitrary reasons

Seriously. You're a garbage human being

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pathetic. You have at least one comment on each of these excusing, downplaying and engaging in whataboutism.

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

None of these is a qualification. Maybe chode can come back with real credits folks instead of links folks

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