Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey everyone this makes it okay when leftwingers do it

Disgusting. You and chode

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey everyone this makes it okay when leftwingers do it


Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey everyone this makes it okay when leftwingers do it


Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only ones saying it comes from 'one side' and thats the only side worth paying attention to is you and fucked

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

This person has never read any of the books that the "right" wants to remove from schools. This person is not familiar with any of the titles in question nor any of the information depicted. Has not, will not.

Their opinion- which is all it is- can be safely ignored here. When they read one of the titles and understand the content maybe they can say something of meaning instead of trying to do whatever it takes to say 'this child abuse is okay because people with wrong color pin do it too'

Truly reprehensible

(right meaning apolitical parents orgs - guess they could be right wing since they didnt just abort their kids)

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Figures you would try to defend it. And attack the bible too (Couldnt find a passage defending pedophilia I guess?)

Oh noes were the books about blowjobs for kids banned for T3H FACISM???

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know at least two people(?) on this page that will do whatever it takes to excuse, downplay or otherwise justify the participation of some individuals.

Canaderp 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think its funny that saying imposter is the best hes got

Canaderp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Should not be a surprise to anyone to see people who were happy to impose lockdowns, masks, isolation, experimental medicines on innocent children for YEARS at a time would be fine downplaying- even excusing- other abuses of children.

Remember abortion, the murder of newborns, is on the lefts coat-of-arms. At that point why would they give a shit about molestation or other forms of sexual or physical abuse. They've made their peace with worse for pettier reason

Canaderp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Should not be a surprise to anyone to see people who were happy to impose lockdowns, masks, isolation, experimental medicines on innocent children for YEARS at a time would be fine downplaying- even excusing- other abuses of children.

Remember abortion, the murder of newborns, is on the lefts coat-of-arms. At that point why would they give a shit about molestation or other forms of sexual or physical abuse. They've made their peace with worse for pettier reason

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should not be a surprise to anyone to see people who were happy to impose lockdowns, masks, isolation, experimental medicines on innocent children for YEARS at a time would be fine downplaying- even excusing- other abuses of children.

Remember abortion, the murder of newborns, is on the lefts coat-of-arms. At that point why would they give a shit about molestation or other forms of sexual or physical abuse. They've made their peace with worse for pettier reason

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should not be a surprise to anyone to see people who were happy to impose lockdowns, masks, isolation, experimental medicines on innocent children for YEARS at a time would be fine downplaying- even excusing- other abuses of children.

Remember abortion, the murder of newborns, is on the lefts coat-of-arms. At that point why would they give a shit about molestation or other forms of sexual or physical abuse. They've made their peace with worse for pettier reason

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

medical advice provider

You arent one either. You have no qualifications

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should not be a surprise to anyone to see people who were happy to impose lockdowns, masks, isolation, experimental medicines on innocent children for YEARS at a time would be fine downplaying- even excusing- other abuses of children.

Remember abortion, the murder of newborns, is on the lefts coat-of-arms. At that point why would they give a shit about molestation or other forms of sexual or physical abuse. They've made their peace with worse for pettier reason

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0


couldnt figure out how to embed the link in the word could you

I call you a frothing at the mouth retard in the actual link. Did you know?

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Downplaying and excusing child abuse is not a classy move

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Turns out after 8 years the victim is no longer molested. Should let them know the good news!

Canaderp 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess the statute of limitations on caring about child abuse is <8 years. Care to tell that to your piss drinking buddy who still thinks its 1943? (Except for also wanting to wipe israel off the map- remind him to take his meds)

Canaderp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Normalize wannabe tyrants getting what they deserve

https://twitter.com/IanVandaelle/status/1430338496498122762 tweet about officers being let go for refusing the jab


I, for one, advocate we bring the carrot and the stick. Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like - ice cream, lotteries, literally whatever, I don’t care - and require vaccination to do, uh, non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport.


Oh yeah, he was 'of the faith'. Ignore dumb cunts who lie-by-omission to claim expertise but cant perform simple google searches 'folks'.

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