CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

“gains sentience” look in the mirror for a change, this isn’t an American political forum, go post about this shit on r/retard or r/hypocrite or whatever

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0


And here’s a video of you





CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have you ever heard the phrase fight fire with fire?

I don’t like to fight, but if you punch me I promise I’m going to viciously fight back.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s a very deceitful argument. Par for your course.

Ivermectin won a Nobel price for being a groundbreaking safe and effective medicine. It is widely considered one of the safest drugs in human history with billions of doses administered.

DDT is a carcinogenic insecticide which you suggested someone consume. It won the Nobel prize because it was used control insect populations saving millions from malaria.

Your baseless bad faith comparison is a clear attempt to conflate ivermectin as a dangerous carcinogenic insecticide.

That is medical misinformation.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol coming from the Liberal Party political misinformation agent who compares DDT to ivermectin

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good you admit to being a hypocrite and fraud.

When did you receive your bivalent booster again?

Are you part of the tiny fraction who is still “fully vaccinated”?

Or do you just tell others to take boosters and not “follow the science” yourself?

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn’t upset me at all.

You’re exposing yourself as a hypocrite and fraud.

Ivermectin isn’t like DDT at in any way.

You used a deceptive comparison to falsely portray a very safe drug as unsafe.

Same lie the Liberal funded media made when they called it horse paste and dangerous.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

You must be referring to yourself for suggesting someone ingest DDT?

Are you saying DDT is an approved medicine like ivermectin?

Or that ivermectin is shown to be a human carcinogen like DDT?

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which specific point above are you contesting?

You’re ineffectively deflecting from the points since they’re accurate and expose you as deceitful.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because it proves you’re a racist and you won’t address the fact.

Trudeau wore Blackface many times, you support him, therefore you are a racist.

You commonly come to a place where no one likes or agreeds with you to falsely call us racists.

You yeah eat shit ya Blackface/black-body supporting racist liberal.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you understand that it’s racist to support a racist yet?

Or are you still too busy calling other people racists like a massive retard.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

You won’t stop doubling down.

You support Trudeau after he wore Blackface on more occasions than he could recall. You can’t deny that fact.

You call those series of incidents “a mistake”.

You’re a racist. Another fact.

All you have is hurr durr durr….. some other people are racists too.

So fucking what you breathtakingly stupid moron.

You are a racist, you support a racist, so why the tuck would anyone care about you calling others racist??

PS I know it’s hard for you that I mention Blackface a lot. I understand why. Every time some part of you has to admit the obvious truth. That you are exactly what you despise.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

So he didn’t cover his face and limbs with black paint then? How many times you think he’s worn it? I think it’s a lot more than 3, since he previously said it was only once, but when caught for a few more incidents he suddenly and suspiciously “can’t remember”.

If my political leader was a racist I would no longer support them.

But you support a racist BECAUSE he’s your political leader.

And you lie calling these incidents “a mistake”. It wasn’t a mistake it was an ongoing pattern of racist behaviours. It’s who he is.

You must know you’re a racist deep down right?

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nice whataboutism, but wrong thread, this is about your racist leader.

And I don’t support racists.

That’s your deal.

So what about your racist leader?

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

So you did believe him when he first lied and said it only happened once?

And now you believe it’s only happened three times even though he conveniently “can’t remember”?

You do because you’re that stupid/desperate to support an avowed racist.

He covered his body with black paint and you’re stuck on the toe thing.

Head to toe is a saying you dense as a rock dolt. He covered his arms and legs and face with racist paint many times and you support that fully.

If a “conservative” did that I wouldn’t support them because I’m not a racist like you.

The best you got is some alleged Mulroney scam, I don’t support Mulroney nor is he PM you lying liberal scum.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Go jerk off to your racist leader and joke about National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) quotes like “no longer tolerating those people” and about covering your bodies with black paint.

If there was a retard mental gymnastics ultra marathon you racist Nazi Libtards would win.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tuchodi, how many times do you think he wore Blackface/blackbody? Just the times he was caught on camera?

How many times did you think he wore it after he lied the first time and said it only happened once?

Did you believe him then that it was only once?

He’s a liar, you’re a liar, fucking liberals are always caught up in their lies and corruption.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let me condense your word salad, folk.

Trudeau wore Blackface on more occasions than he can recall, fact.

You lie calling it “a mistake” is an obvious attempt to disinform people that it only happened once.

Too late, everyone knows it wasn’t “a mistake” because it was a pattern of many openly racist acts.

You support a racist.

That makes you a racist.

You’re too stupid to understand.

PS Your lie about Mulroney being “my guy” is another in a long list. Lying is all you Liberals are good for. That and you’re a bunch of fucking racist bigots.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fine so you support an admitted racist who can’t recall how many times he’s worn Blackface.

You can easily see it’s less Blackface and more black body. Everyone has seen the photos you can’t hide from the fact he paints his body parts too.

Not one conservative leader at any level has ever worn Blackface once. Like a retard you’ll ask for proof.

Of course we have photos of your guy but you have none of any of ours. That’s because we’re not the racists.

You support a racist. You’re the racist.

You’re too stupid to see the obvious. You’re in over your head.

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