CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mutilation of small children’s genitalia rendering them infertile and unable to ever achieve orgasm is core to the Ultrafuct/tuchudiot ethos

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am against all child abuse including child marriage.

You’ve never said a word against child genital mutilation.

Your side loves slicing and dicing children’s penises and cutting out their breasts. You're quite proud of the removal of little penises aren’t correct? You seem disappointed more children aren’t being mutilated. It’s who you’ve always been and who you’ll always be, a huge supporter of child abuse. You probably abuse children yourself.l, otherwise why would you be so supportive of it?

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t just look down on you, I think you’re a vile example of how deranged and evil your side is. I think you wouldn’t hesitate to murder children if you had the political cover. You’re a sick man.

Children cannot consent to having their genitals mutilated by adults with knives. Anyone with a conscience knows that.

You’re absolute filth.

CanadianRighty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ensuring the ongoing mutilation of children’s genitals is core to your identity. You simply wouldn’t be you if you didn’t support and promote scalpels slicing and dicing children’s genitals.

You think it’s extreme that the right wing doesn’t like morbid sexual medical experiments on kids. You don’t like that we’re against pedophilia and you defend adults exposing children to sexual kink to try and groom them.

You guys sure are sick fucks.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know what hasn’t changed? The morbid obesity the moron left, such as yourself.

That’s because leftists like to force their stupid ideas on others but refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

The obese left is crushing the healthcare system. You guys don’t care since you don’t have ethics or morals.

Keep overeating ya massive whale. Just shovel it down, but don’t forget to promote mRNA injections for others between your shovel-bites of geese and sugar.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you want evidence the moon exists too?

You are such a lying shill that you pretend you’re unaware of the video of Trudeau lying to the House of Commons? It’s been plastered on the news…

By the way we actually want more evidence, but your thug boss is getting his henchmen to filibuster in a desperate attempt to prevent transparency and obstruct parliament.

Liberals are what happens when you go past full retard.

As long as Liberals and their friends pockets get lined you’re good.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perfect news as long as Liberal elites are okay and there is virtue signalling to be had.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Adds up, a quick search shows his comments about admiration for chinas CCP government were made months before the donation


CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Liberal partisans decided to fire front line doctors and nurses who have immunity due to their political agenda.

Notice Liberal fascist political alignment with the drug cartels hasn’t changed, the doctors have not been rehired despite the conclusive proof.

No ethics, no morals, only Liberal Party grift at the expense of the country and its people.

Quite profitable for Liberal insiders.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah so you agree with him being immediately escorted off the premises because “maybe it’s because…”.

But we really don’t know since that’s just a Liberal Party of Canada approved guess.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

“the relative risk of myocarditis due to vaccines and infections is not well characterized. In severe form, myocarditis can result in chronic heart failure or death, which are important safety concerns. Given the high rate of vaccine hesitancy due to the fear of vaccine-induced serious adverse events such as cardiac complications, it is critical to characterize the relative risk of vaccine- and infection-induced myocarditis in the general population and determine the effect of sex and age on the risk

So you must have a link which satisfies that critical takeaway right? Because the 7x risk determination from the study doesn’t contemplate individual circumstances.

As well can you link any study showing current vaccine efficacy in preventing transmission? You can’t, because it doesn’t, and you just want to stack the risk on kids. Does having the vaccine and covid in close timeframe result in a higher risk still? You have no idea.

Ah I’m sure you’re good with just guessing. That’s what’s good for Liberal Party of Canada political science calculus so, that’s all you need

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why aren’t you copy pasting the scary dangers of covid like you guys did before? Why aren’t you still calling it horse paste? It’s alright I know you’ve moved on to new propaganda/lies.

News flash- your precious mRNA “vaccine”, that you leftists wanted people fired for not taking, isn’t effective either.

Fuck you leftists are idiot trash.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

So what about your sides sex kink readings to pre pubescent children?

Or your sides interest in medically castrating children and mutilation of their genitals?

I’m not interested in your American policy stories on this canadian forum, but I am interested to see you defend your sides pedophile behaviours.

CanadianRighty 5 points ago +5 / -0

As long as it gives one morbidly obese leftist boomer a false sense of security it was all worth it.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correction, I see they may have only considered mutating covid, the leftists will rush in to correct me on this to defend Pfizer.

CanadianRighty 5 points ago +5 / -0

More American politics, this one is always grasping at straws. This has nothing whatsoever to do with Canada. He’s too stupid to understand the concept of a Canadian forum.

Reminder, folks folks folks folks, the left wing promotes sexualizing children, “drag queen” sexual kink shows, child genitals mutilation etc etc. these are their values.

Left wingers are deranged psychopaths intent on legitimizing pedophilia, or MAPs as they call them to try and soften their sickness.

CanadianRighty 6 points ago +6 / -0

Also he’s still disingenuously comparing vaccines that prevent spread vs ones that don’t.

Remember leftists like utrafuckt never tell the truth, it’s always lies with them.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fuck this one is retarded.

You called me names first moron.

Apply your analysis to yourself durr durrrr.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol you’re an admitted leftist who made shit up about me supporting fascism and said I’m not charitable because I’m a conservative, so yes I’m going to call you out for your commie tendencies.

As I say to all commies, put your money where your mouth is, and give everything to the hungry, if you won’t you’re a hypocrite sac of shit trying to feel good about taking other people’s money.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

You commies are very charitable with other peoples time and money.

You pretend voting for redistributions to you and your friends makes you a good person. 🙄

You’re just a hypocrite until you’ve given everything away to be like a poor person.

Conservatives are more charitable than Liberals, but with their own money.

Commie’s are responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths, but as long as money getting distributed back to you and your buddies, you’ll virtue signal with pride.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Give your all your extra money to your poor comrades or shut up communist

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